Capitalist History
The United States of America, during the end of the decade of 20, suffered with the biggest capitalist crisis of the history of the civilizations. In years 1925 and 1926, period where U.S.A. tried to become the Economic Central banking of the World, the investment was very bigger mainly in the areas of production and exportation. They had some European countries that imported diverse products of U.S.A., keeping the North American economy each bigger time. But, in 1928, during a financial fall of these European countries, the American production became bigger of what negotiable with its countries customers, thus creating, a superproduction.
From then on, the damage also spread for all the capitalist nations, Brazil, that during the Age Vargas, had that to buy tons of coffee of its proper producers to burn them, therefore the exportation was minor, did not compensate spoon and to prepare the coffee. But, in the truth, estopim of the Crisis was in 1929, when the American actions were ruined and were valid very little, making with that almost all the shareholders desesperadamente vendessem its action to the government, destroying still more the economy. The crisis made U.S.A. to ask for to the loan money the Europeans in return, and dislocated the classrooms social. To find a solution for this period, was possible only for president Franklin D.
Roosevelt, who with the implantation of the New Deal and great public investments obtained to reerguer the country of the bankruptcy. The true solution of Roosevelt was contrary to many ideas. Instead of diminishing the expenses, it invested in services and public improvements, transforming the market and increasing the tourism and the American development. This historical and marcante period in the economy of U.S.A., also was known as ' ' The Great Depresso' ' in fact turned an example overcoming of a capitalist country. Although the Crisis of the 2000 and the current Crisis of the Debt, that extremely are marked by the damage, the Crisis of 1929 is most surprising for its consequncias. Without counting that the majority of the resources that the United States have today, must to that period after-crisis in century XX. Vnia S. Faleira – 2011 email: So Paulo, Brazil