Mission Sheep
Unhappyly so we are limited in our situation of safe that we leave to love to the next one, of worrying in them about it, with its situation in the future. It will be that we are worried about the ones that leave without God? Or this concern has very left to exist? The Mission of the devil is to kill, to steal and to destroy, after all Peter warns in them: Headquarters sober; you watch; because the devil, your adversary, walks in around, bramando as lion, searching to who it can swallow (;) (I Peter 5? 8), but it not it is finding in us a ready enemy to fight with it for love to that if they find lost. It this acting freely where we would have in them to be bringing the Word of transformation and cure. IDE is for we, but we leave this responsibility and in we move away from this intention the holy ghost to them. We find that of a skill or another one the Evangelho will be spread, but this, without our aid will not happen. We must start soon! To speak in time and it are of time is accurately to assume our role, our responsibility. After all, this responsibility is mine and its and must run against the time and say of the love Mr., therefore Mr. being just as he is does not go to charge of the one of the Angel Gabriel, the responsibility, that I emphasize, is ours.
I do not advance to create excuses not to reach the prxio with excuses of the type I do not know to say and the example of Ananias that did not save apstolo Pablo of the truth, before I said to it, exactly this being New Converted all the truth that waited Pablo in Walked its., then new converted: You are chosen vase. You will suffer for meunome. you will be full of the Espirito Santo. The Shepherd left the search the lost sheep, therefore he had passion in its life. Passion for the sheep that lost and that It looked for until finds it. The special one in this situation is that the 99 that they are in the Aprisco has certainty that loves them to the Shepherd, and we as sheep that we are, we must understand that it is not will of the Father who they lose themselves. Why we accomodate in, lack them workers to exert the task to take care of of the sheep, of it searchs them and to show the Way to it. In this Word Mr., she is alone and necessary of other made use workers to act. That let us can say ' ' Here it is me aqui' ' to place the hand in the plough. It is a clear question for our meditation: What you have fact, for a lost sheep? That our reply it is: I want to be useful in the hand of God.