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Month: August 2018

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Federal Road Policia

Federal Road Policia

In a rainy and very cold night of the month of June of 2004, I met under a viaduct in the Highway President Dutra lying, without route some without having for where going, absolutely without nobody, then I started to reflect a little in the life, of the time still remained that me, and coincidently appeared of the nothing to my side one another one andarilho, that immediately if he installed under the viaduct and he started if to shave e, spoke well repetidamente that in the following day it would be its anniversary and for this reason it had that to be well, therefore the people would come to singing the congratulations for it, as I he was without effect of drugs and without making alcohol use already they made some days, I found such attitude funny and I started to inquire me exactly, if it has somebody that will come tomorrow to its meeting, for being its anniversary, for that then somebody would also not come to my meeting, at this moment I caught loaned per some minutes its piece of mirror and with difficulty I looked at myself through that small espelhinho and I frightened myself to seeing me reflected in it, started to perceive how much it was destroyed, ugly, wrinkled, edentate, full of marks for the face, spotted of the sun and the cold, and soon I asked, it will be that I still would have some possibility to come back to live the life, or little of life that perhaps remained me, in this exactly instant I arose myself, half idiot for the decurrent weakness of lacks of adequate feeding and I started with certain difficulty to look in my return, to see where I met, he delayed one thirty minutes and I then gave on account that he was in Caapava, however I it much time behind liveed with my country in Taubat and soon I decided to come back toward this city and arriving there, to look for somebody of the family, I wise person if my parents still were not livings creature and if they were, I I did not have the certainty if he would be accepted in return or not, but he did not cost to try I was then determined to initiate walked mine, already he was late of the night but the homesickness inexplicably in that instant was very intense, and started then to head for city of Taubat, in this same night I remembers perfectly when I passed in front of the rank of Federal Road Policia, I perceived that the guards were lanchando and I was ' ' azul' ' of hunger, therefore already he would have to make one two or three days that nothing did not eat absolutely, but I did not have conditions to ask for nothing nobody, therefore it was dirty cabeludo, bearded and with a strong odor, I age literally or I was in the one conditions andarilho of a beggar who did not take bath the months, was cliente of this fact and for this reason I was quietinho in mine I sing, where then I decided to wait a bit in the behind street of the Rank of Policia, the moment that they (the guards) were to play in the garbage the remaining portions of the snacks, at this moment I then would have one small possibility to eat some thing to gain disposal and to follow trip, of this time was different for me I felt that it was very humilhante to have that if to submit to these conditions, even so this if it has become routine in my life, but at that moment was being difficult for me, very did not delay one of Police the lode with a full tray of food remaining portions and deposited inside of a garbage brass and entered in return for the rank, at this moment was come close to this container and vi that had food sufficiently, even so it was remaining portions but was of good quality and was to mine to see clean, my hunger after saciado, followed my destination in direction the Taubat, with many difficulties and without no cent in the pocket, after three days eating remaining portions of food and some bread pieces and taking water, I obtained to arrive in my destination that was Taubat, as I already knew well this pretty city, was direct for a shelter of the City hall, where I could take a good bath to make the beard, to cut the hair and after that I obtained to also gain a pants, a clean shirt and a pair of shoes, and at to this moment I felt me new of new, it made much time one fifteen years that I had lost the dignity, but was determined to retake it of new, and this very good age, I obtained to congregate forces, I took off some information and I was to the meeting of my genitors, for my bigger surprise, when I arrived of front the house where I liveed with my parents, I had an inexplicable sensation of enthusiasm happiness, of wanting to recoup everything what I lost, but also felt at the same time concern, therefore he wanted to find my mother and my father still livings creature and forts and I touched then the bell of the house and for my bigger surprise who lode to take care of to me was my beloved mezinha, in this instant it looked at for me it recognized and me instantaneously and it took enormous a scare, therefore he found that I never more would come back toward house, was very emotive he hugged me to it and he cried of happiness and soon we enter and I then gave of meeting with my father that was super happy seeing in me and soon already it caught the telephone and it bound for my brother giving the good news, I confess that I did not feel falseness in the reactions of my familiar, them I had really demonstrated they loved that me and they were happy with my return. . .

Leave It To Beaver

Leave It To Beaver

Tying a tie properly may tie to your next employer. A properly tied tie is essential to a good first impression. With the recent protests regarding athletes wearing flip-flops to the White House is clearly necessary to revise the rules of socially acceptable manner. Gone are the days of Leave It To Beaver and other programs of this type often represents strong family leader proudly wearing a suit and tie for his daily work and any social occasion. Impressionable society today has more tracks from the Internet than Nick at Nite. Formal dinner Friday night are a thing of the past and many churches have relaxed their expectations of dress, so it is possible that a girl can go to college without having to tie a tie. Even if she went to a formal dance that may have been a clip-on bow tie. Many young college graduates are not hired because of the way they are presented.

They have a general disinterest in the form of clothing for their interviews and when it's time for knock the socks off a potential employer, the focal point of its application is out of focus. A professional appearance can be as important as a comprehensive curriculum. Prospective employers look for consistency in a potential employee. Although most polished resume does not coordinate with the applicant in a shirt and jeans. Dressed in a suit without a tie is like avoiding a handshake or leaving your name in an application. If the applicant wants to differ from others, will take additional steps to submit the complete package. A poorly knotted tie projects neglect and reflects poorly on one's abilities. Take time to learn the correct way to tie ties because you're worth it and your career depend on it! Terrance Farley is the webmaster and has become their mission to provide information on the most important article of clothing and unkempt men, the tie.

American Grammar

American Grammar

In what lies the problem, where a mistake? To know the language, we teach grammar. When you learn grammar, we still and can not use the language. Strange situation. Maybe it is better to look at the subject itself and grammar to understand what it is? In fact, there are several other, different from the traditional view of grammar. And perhaps it would be quite interesting – there is another way of looking or not – if he can not solve the longstanding problem of language teaching: when the foreign debt are taught, but did not know well enough to simply to talk with another person to understand it, to express their thoughts so that he knew you This new look at the grammar belongs to the American philosopher, writer, researcher, humanist (not going to list here all titles of this man – he was an incredibly versatile personality) L. Ron Hubbard. In his time he has repeatedly drawn attention to how tantalizing are the disciples and how modest successes obtained, studying with "professors from Linguistics. And not even so much the problem took it as an understanding that failure to understand the grammar of their own language by the Americans themselves leads them to the fact that they have problems at school and at work (when they have to develop new job descriptions, for example) that they can not read or are functionally illiterate people. That is, most will be able to read aloud an article from the morning paper, but are unlikely to properly understand what it says, not to mention making the right conclusions from your reading.

Tips On Saving Products

Tips On Saving Products

Is it worth it to save on products? Probably worth at least because the price of food lately only grow, and no hint At least for a small price reduction. But almost all say at once that to save on products impossible. To be healthy, to eat well and a lot. If a man does not accept food, he dies! Said, and went to the store, there napokupali canned food, salted, smoked, and many other of any bullshit. Yes even so much that it's impossible to eat everything.

Products are perishable and their vkontse ends discarded. First, people spend a lot of money to have all sorts of rubbish in large quantities, and then try to lose weight (also a considerable money standing) with vrechey. So is it worth, sorry for the frankness, to work on a toilet? Now thrive all sorts of self-service stores. They are very popular in comparison to conventional. All of them osnavany on a little trick are drawn from people as much money. I will not list all their tricks.

This is without me (or many of you know). Just one conclusion: go for the bread in a store, get out of him with two bags of shopping and facilitated by pore rubles pockets. And you yourself do not know why so many napokupali. Output to keep receipts for the month and then analyze what has been bought for nothing and what is not. In general, people actually spend money on such products who did not benefit their health. For a normal human life, he needs the following types of products: milk, fish and meat, fruits and vegetables, cereals, which provide human proteins, fats and ugevodami. Connect with other leaders such as Viatcheslav Mirilashvili here. All the rest is useless to form products that are not benefiting from our body, and sometimes even cause harm. For yet many people are unable to reject such products. Finally, there are all sorts of wholesale stores and wholesale shops, where for the purchase of a certain quantity of goods you can get a substantial discount, for example can be negotiated with neighbors on porch or just friends to save money on car go on a wholesale basis. There you not only just buying the right products in bulk, but also receives a certain discount on the base. This discount is greater for a large amount of money you are purchasing goods. And you, folded with its neighbors, such amounts can spend. As a result, you get fresh produce at a wholesale price and discount. So you will save quite a decent amount per month, Cator can spend on other useful things. A couple more words about such harmful habits as cigarettes, alcohol and chewing gum, which eat up the lion's share of the monthly budget. Do the math yourself. Let's say each day you smoke one pack of cigarettes for 20 rubles, drink a beer at 1L for 35 rubles. Individually, these amounts seem insignificant. Let's calculate your monthly expenses. 20 35 = 55 rubles a day. 55 * 31 = 1,705 rubles a month. And how much cost per year? A tepet think that money can buy a ticket every vacation at sea. Or birthday wife to give her doroguschy gold necklace. Or something else. Draw your own conclusions. One has only just not potakot their habits. And if you too lazy to make a little effort to conserve, Do not worry, that money no matter what is missing.

The First Capitalists

The First Capitalists

The first capitalists and indeed risked, and worked in a sweat – if you compare them with previous leisure class and the wealthy estates, which, of course, does not whitewash their eyes to work for them, hired workers to which they appeared no less greedy exploiters than the feudal past time. However, this new operation was carried out in conditions of personal freedom and the exploiters ("possession of people and makes the owner unfree "- wrote one Russian writer), and exploited. And these established bourgeois order against the personal freedom of people and opened the way for their struggle for justice and economic and industrial human relations. So far, capitalism is seriously modified. Development of various types and forms of loan capital (and among them especially stock ownership) led to a situation that risks to the capitalists seriously diminished, and their personal organizational efforts in modern manufacturing have all of equal importance.

Accordingly, changed shape and distribution of capital: instead of solely appropriated capitalist-entrepreneur profit – interest earned by the owner of capital, and entrepreneurial income received by a person who applies, this capital. With the emergence of these forms have the whole picture thoroughly confused. In fact, every cent if the recipient is a capitalist, ie, the entity awarding the product of the labor of others? Take, for example, ordinary depositors of banks that receive a percentage of deposits. Often the level of this percentage is lower than inflation, and this means that the real value of bank deposits, even with the accrual of interest does not increase but decreases. Viatcheslav Mirilashvili addresses the importance of the matter here.