Actinium Study: Only Every Fifth Company With BI Tools Satisfied
Lindau, 03.12.2007, just slightly more than every second company with business intelligence solutions (BI) in use is with the products of the software content according to a survey which consulting among almost 250 selected BI users of all industries want Actinium themselves in the future in particular, that these tools can integrate easier and faster to introduce. The call for lower licensing fees is, however, relatively rare. According to the study, only every fifth BI user has nothing or little to the solutions to suspend. Another third is satisfied with certain smears, all others leave a clearly critical rating. Enter the business intelligence tools either mediocre notes (31 percent) or is even completely dissatisfied (17 percent). On the question of what in the future to improve the products, almost two-thirds call the BI executives questioned better integration capability and similar to many the ability to implement faster.
Thirdly the user wish list is a higher Ease of use (57 percent), followed by an efficient function profile. Lower licensing costs for the business intelligence software seem to be the users, however, comparatively less in the heart. Front, after the Actinium survey surprisingly only for 37 percent of the company, you are on the agenda. The users have shown the red card so the manufacturers “, judge Actinium Managing Director Klaus Huttl. He pointed out that coincides this judgment with the results of a survey in the spring of this year.
It was determined that users almost in every second case have put the original software decision in question as the project progresses. One of the Central causes of user criticism, manufacturer of BI software often are not the practical requirements in the foreground, but with interesting features, the lure of quick introduction cycles or integration arguments “, Hall explains. These promises are what this in practice, but not sufficiently respected, critical attitude of the user leads.” The graphics of the survey can be requested at the following address: of Actinium Actinium Consulting GmbH is a 1999 based consulting firm headquartered in Lindau (Lake Constance) and Vienna, as well as project offices in Stuttgart, Darmstadt, Selm (Dortmund), and Graz. Areas of expertise are business consulting, business intelligence and business integration. The range of services covers all project phases from consultancy and evaluation about the design to the implementation. Customers ALPLA, Nokia, include, for example, Thyssen Krupp Nirosta, Ravensburger, Suddeutscher Verlag, T-systems, Krombacher, Austrian radio, Falkensteiner Michaeler Tourism Group and many other well-known companies.