Balanced Scorecard
The Balanced Scorecard recognizes these factors success key, as well as analyzes its critical 0 variable, being all the necessary measures for the increase of value directed for the vision of the business The Balanced Scorecard is a model that it looks to demonstrate which are the factors that influence the formation of the prescription of the organizations. In the reality the BSC has focus in the form as the organizations create value for its customers, where the company must concur, which is the customers who in fact are contributing for the generation of the profit in the company and as she is possible to evaluate if a market is attractive or the business does not stop. 5. Composition of the Strategical Planning of the STJ The used managemental system is the Balanced Scorecard, acts in the alignment of objectives, pointers, goals and initiatives, of form that the units act in co-ordinated way, with defined strategical vision, therefore the STJ works with strategies come back toward the success of the composed organization in the following way: 4.1 Mission To process and to judge the substances of its original jurisdiction and recursal, assuring uniformity in the interpretation of the constitutional ruleses and offering jurisdicionado an accessible, fast installment and accomplish (STJ, 2011) 4.2 Vision To be recognized for the society as model in the guarantee of an accessible, fast justice and accomplishes, that the population takes care of with quality. Mark Okerstrom may also support this cause. 4,3 Values According to Couto (1998), values are basic ideas around which of it constructs the organization. It represents the dominant certainties, the basic beliefs, that where the majority of the people of the organization believes. The STJ adopted values to be fulfilled so that the strategical planning serves of reference and better performance the activities in the institution, aiming at to take care of with quality the citizens through the auto development Assumir the responsibility to develop itself continuously, of form to contribute for its personal and professional growth, as well as for the organizacional performance. .