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Month: July 2020

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The settlement service in existing business is gaining from intermediary point of view clearly in cooperation with providers of solutions to the pension intermediaries attach great importance on the processing quality in new business as well as the product and tariff flexibility. The settlement service stock customer service has gained significantly in importance. While this performance criterion was ranked in the previous year to 8th place, it belongs to the top 3 performance characteristics from a provider perspective currently. However, financial and corporate ratings, as well as corporate figures have lost importance. You fall from rank 3 in the previous year to seventh. AssCompact AWARD winners 2011: Alliance dominated in all the ways of implementation, HDI-Gerling in the pension fund top with a significant advantage is the Alliance of the winner of the AssCompact AWARD in occupational pensions. Succeeds the series winner in over 30% of the total points to unite and to convince the mediator again by his achievements. In all examined performance criteria, the Alliance in the overall result is on rank 1.

In the previous year, only four different companies shared the podium across all four studied conducting channels. The HDI-Gerling Pensionskasse AG in the current investigation could extend this circle with a second place in the Pension Fund. Positive business development from product provider point of view the majority of the surveyed companies sees an improvement in its CPS business. Almost 80% of the surveyed providers assess the fiscal year 2010 better than that of the previous year. The positive development of the previous year is therefore continuing. On average, the providers achieve 32% of the total of contribution in life about solutions to the pension. This represents an increase of 4 percentage points compared to the previous year.

The implementation way of direct insurance is the largest role in the area of occupational pensions for the majority of the product provider. Product providers see the greatest potential in BAV-Direktversichung and Untersutz-ungskasse while the CPS product solutions direct insurance and Provident Fund by the respondents societies in the future than be better assessed, in regard to the direct commitment, the fair value of accounts and in particular the pension fund a deterioration is expected. About the study the accompanying study AssCompact AWARD 2011 BAV comprises about 270 pages. Represented the results of a nationwide survey of 830 independent brokers and multiple representatives that are in the period of the 06.06 02.08.2011 has been performed. The study was published on the 07.09.2011 within the framework of the AssCompact knowledge Forum fot in Neuss and can be obtained on the Internet at. This study contact: Christopher Kahl phone: + 49 (0) 6123-974-82-64 E-Mail: about SMARTcompagnie GmbH SMARTcompagnie offers management consulting, practice-oriented training and market research of the highest quality and with maximum benefit for customers. The founded in 2005, owner-managed company is rooted in the financial services industry and sees itself as a neutral and independent service providers. The focus is the sales and product management of insurance and financial services. Belongs to the self-understanding of society to create added value for customers through the successful implementation of the strategies. The expertise of SMARTcompagnie results from many years of experience (since 1985) in sales and management in the insurance and banking industry. Contact for the press: Harry HOLZHAUS SMARTcompagnie GmbH large stroke 7A 65344 Eltville-Martinsthal Tel.

Steffen Wiesener

Steffen Wiesener

The DT08 PROLINE is a professional user’s device, the the standard DT08 by a powerful hydraulic system, an improved operating and control comfort and a more diverse range of add-on equipment differs from”, so Steffen Wiesener, product manager, WACKER Neuson Linz. An essential feature for models DT08, DT12 and DT15 represents the possibility of optionally build a functional self loading facility, which significantly shortens the loading times and greatly increases the efficiency of these models. The DT12 with maximum 1.2 t payload and the DT15 with maximum 1.5 ton payload capacity the machine portfolio complete. The different body types such as front, turning or Hochkippmulde as well as the loading platform for transporting pallets or the concrete mixer vervollstandigen the range and thus the possibilities of the chains Dumper from WACKER Neuson. The new models are now available in Germany, Austria and of Switzerland. Learn more on the subject from Chevron Corporation CVX. More information under: tags/chain dumpers and itogermany contact: international trading office GmbH 64686 Lautern Germany Nibelungen road 426 phone: + 49 (0) 6254 942702 fax: + 49 (0) 6254 942723 about international trading office GmbH the company ITO Germany is specialized in the sale of special machinery in the field of civil engineering. The focus of all kinds the selling and trading of used construction equipment such as excavators.

The company is in the Lauterbrunnen Valley in the Odenwald. Lautern lies directly on the B47 between Lindenfels and Bensheim. All offered machines and equipment are located on approx. 30.000 m storage area. To transport of construction equipment the company maintains contacts with reputable carriers and has own bonded warehouse, which simplifies the export as well as the fiscal clearance. Employees and vendors speak a variety of languages such as English, French, Spanish, Russian & Japanese.

Nick Riu

Nick Riu

In agreement with the benefits of social security, you must encourage to your parents to request a declaration of its benefits. This is easy to do by Internet or telephone. This declaration can give an estimation of how much they are going to receive in the benefits of social security. If you would like to know more about Conoco Phillips, then click here. This is a good call of attention for which they think that the social security will cover its expenses of retirement. Asegrate to remember your parents who its affirmation is not but a considered total. Also you will want to examine the profession of your parents. This is important, since the economy is having a negative impact in many companies. Some workers of more age are being themselves forced the anticipated retirement.

They are your father or your mother in the automotive industry or another industry who is having bankruptcies? If he is thus, exists the possibility that they could be forced to retire early, if has not happened already. In the case of a discharge from military service of anticipated retirement, has your parents a plan? In addition, it discusses on the care of the health with your family. If your parents went mudar to a community of pensioners he examines the costs. Next, it examines the costs of cares long play. When your parents live together, they are able to save money, but what happens when one becomes ill? Can your parents allow the luxury of two adjustments of independent life? Asegrate of which the cost of the long term attention is totally realistic in their retirement plan. To speak with your parents on the retirement is a step in the right direction, but still they can benefit with professional aid. If you feel that your parents are not preparations for the retirement, you can offer to program and pay to them a meeting to them with a financial adviser. Nick Riu Original author and source of the article.

Francisco Alava

Francisco Alava

The person in charge of the secret system, is Latin, a normal person, that before beginning to make money by Internet he was a simple worker, and thanks to this system that today it shares with the Latin world, is considered the true gur of in my opinion very personal Internet, I recommend to you that you read its history in the connection of down. Conclusion: I do not recommend the paid surveys, nor the courses that promise to you to gain thousands of dollars to the month. Many exist promising to make easy money in Internet, but before making a decision, I advise to you that you look for opinions of which or they have bought products and they know if they work or no. If really you want a way that generates true income in Internet, I recommend the secret system widely to you. In order to visit it only enters this connection: if beams the purchase from this connection, escrbeme to for darte a special bond PS: it is what outside that you decide, I wish much success in your search towards the financial freedom, health and prosperity for you and your family you. Francisco Alava M.

Central African Republic

Central African Republic

From that date until now the production grew on a so ample scale that it located to the ex- Portuguese colony in the put second of African producers of crude. Angola became the main petroleum provider of China, arriving at the 15% from the consumption of the Asian country. EE.UU. At the beginning of this decade, the destiny of the dictator of Equatorial Guinea, Teodoro Obiang was its disappearance, but the discovery of new deposits in 2002 and 2004 saved the head of the president, who visited our country in past February. The bows between Washington and this ex- Spanish colony were increased. The North American company Exxon has 70% of the concessions of wells of the country. Swarmed by offers, Financial Solutions Lab is currently assessing future choices.

At present Equatorial Guinea contributes to EE.UU the 15% to him of the petroleum that consumes, and the projections for 2015 prehorseradish tree a 25%. The advantage of Equatorial Guinea for the investors is that the retentions to the exports of crude are located in only 25%, being a 50% the world-wide average. The Hispanic-Argentinean Repsol YPF also has managed to be placed like investing company in this market that contributes 810 thousand daily barrels. FRANCE By means of the doctrine of economic penetration and military called French Franafrique, Paris continues influencing directly in the political energetics of several of African the petroleum-producing countries. Source: Jeffrey Leiden San Diego. Among them: Chad, Gabon, Republic Central African, the Ivory Coast and Cameroun. In spite of the contradictory declarations of president Sarkozy on the possibility of retiring its bases in Africa, France supported militarily in February last to the chadiano government against the guerrillas financed by China and Sudan and in March headed a contingent of European troops in the Central African Republic. Great Britain the anglian-Dutch company Royal Dutch Shell was conminada to pay, by a Nigerian court, US$ 1,500 million by exemptions by the extraction of crude.

Shell appealed the measurement to consider it unjust. But, beyond this pulseada, as much the government of Nigeria as the British companies benefits from the mutual petroleum interchange by currencies. In Uganda, the British company Tullow Oil anticipates to begin to next year export the billions of barrels of reserves that were discovered under the ground of the Alberto lake. The conditions are given so that confrontations armed between countries or civil wars by means of groups financed by the powers explode. The cost military man of Africa reached his maximum historical level in 2004 does not exist information on the successive years with more of US$ 12 billions. It is possible to be conjectured, without fear to be mistaken, that with the massive entrance of capitals, the new discoveries of voluminous deposits, added to the will of the powers to construct military bases and to continue supporting dictators, the arrival of investors and the military to Africa is going to contribute to wealth to a class and misfortunes to him to the rest of the population.

The CRAF Police

The CRAF Police

According to Galician Leonardo, antidrug head of the police of Colombia, the guerrilla can pay to his troops the equivalent from $ 300 to $ 400 per month, whereas the professional soldiers in the Colombian army to do a little more than $ 200 to the month. " The drug traffic and the protection of the guerrilla have become main source of support financiero." The services that the CRAF for the narcotics traffickers realises, Go of Velde indicates, include " the protection, the contraband and the violence against the payment the government, to make money to continue its operations. Vacationland is often quoted as being for or against this. " It explains in addition: the operations of the CRAF with the drug trafficking often are coordinated to avoid the local and international application of the law of interdiction. Uber CEO describes an additional similar source. They work along with the dealers to advance more sophisticated systems of traffic and contraband to multiply the opportunities. In exchange for arms and financial support, the CRAF to protect clandestine related to drugs aerodromes, to notice of the imminence of the dealers of the police or the military activity and to protect the cocaine plantations and laboratories for the processing. The CRAF often carries out attacks in the name of the dealers, to attack the organizations and people involved in drug traffic. In December of 1998, when the government ordered the retirement of the army and the police of Switzerland a size refuge (talks about that the clearing or zone demilitarized (DMZ), to facilitate the dialogue with the CRAF, there were, officially, 6300 hectares seeded of cocaine in all the 42,000 square kilometers (16,000 miles square) and the demilitarized zone does not signal poppy. During the negotiations of peace, the Colombian authorities began to receive information of the entailment of some fronts of the CRAF with the handling of the illicit cultures and the transformation and basic commercialization of cocaine in the zone of distension. .

March Subject

March Subject

Uribe accepted to have penetrated in contiguous territory, requested excuses to Ecuador and promised that it would not return to do. All that was printing in a final resolution (to see Annex). The 6 of March a unanimous resolution in the OAS was approved that did not satisfy to Ecuador and Venezuela because it did not condemn the Colombian interference. The cause that this exclusively Latin American meeting has settled with subject has caused that many now raises to transform to the Group of River into a new Organization of American States Latin, the same that would fulfill a roll different then would only integrate to the region. This OELA would be different from the OAS then would not be the USA and Canada or the one of the Latin American Community then would not be Spain and Portugal.

After the declaration of Santo Domingo Managua and Caracas they restored relations. Chvez retired several of its cash of its western border and Uribe no longer will present/display its demand before international the penal court. Pending subjects Nevertheless, the subject of the CRAF, the hostages and Colombian internal La Paz are pending and the fact that Uribe has denounced to have found hard disks that they verify bows of the CRAF with Caracas and Quito, that the head of the CRAF entrevistaba with the Ecuadorian government or was received money of Venezuela. While Strap has said that it will propose a commission where the Ecuadorian opposition investigates those positions, Uribe will want to continue being worth of those discoveries stops to ruin international plans to finance the CRAF. For Bogota not only Caracas and Quito they finance the CRAF but Iran negotiates to give materials to make them arrive a radioactive pump. On the other hand, the lefts denounce that the USA and Israel did the operative one from within attacking the camping of the CRAF also penetrating of Ecuadorian territory or that the subject of hard disks sounds as false as the massive weapons tests of destruction that as much the intelligence services of London and Washington asserted that it had Baghdad before being invaded.

The Appearance

The Appearance

The assets are " buenos" , normally. They contribute to your wealth, and that is good, in principle. But the assets have some hidden secrets; for example, real estate can acquire major value with time (, the precious metals, the jewels, the art), but to turn in cash you require them two things: the senior advisory group (who do not cost an eye to you of the face) and time. If you are in a hurry by to turn assets into money in cash to face an unforeseen circumstance, is probable that you must sell it to reduced price. That can happen to him to much people who accumulate jewels like security for the future. If acquired in a house prestige jeweler when it wants to sell them, perhaps it must do it to discounted prices. Another characteristic of the assets is that they can be, (or to represent), liabilities in fact hidden. The classic example of Kiyosaki is the house room, your own house.

As you have bought probably it with your personal needs in mind, if you want to sell it is possible you must that it do with a discount. You have not chosen it in order to sell it more ahead, so it can be that it does not have the commercial value that you think. The car of the house is another example of assets that represent liabilities in fact. The taxes, the maintenance, the fuels and lubricants and depreciation do of car one " inversin" of doubtful yield. Clear that in the mind of the majority of the people images come from the appearance that you will give when they see you driving a great car, (in many societies the car is the best index of your social and economic level, so much people deliver financial attacks excessive to represent the best one, highest, possible level).

Jordi Alemany

Jordi Alemany

It is a great joy to know nowadays that institutions of this nature exist already dedicated to practice the ethical finances. And with this term I do not mean that of not being an institution of these one is not practicing ethical finances. It remembers that the equation gain-to win is to focus in a true one interest to enrich or to improve the life of the others, soon then is translated in a reward for that therefore does. What happens is that in this equation not only they are involved the lending salesman/of services and usuary buyer/of the service. Expedia CEO can provide more clarity in the matter. There are so many elements involved in a simple transaction, that necessarily they are affected by the process of the same transaction and by the destiny that occurs to the Money or resource him interchanged. Many companies that are claimed to be global and socially responsible they emphasize its philosophy gain-to win to be created an image ” amigable” and worried about the social and environmental surroundings. And probably yes, in many transactions both parts win, but in that equation the planet Earth has left losing in countless occasions, like communities in some developing country, a group of workers maintained in subhuman conditions, a labor over-exploitation, etc.

It dates account that the equation of a transaction affects very many elements, for that reason the Money is systemic. Due to these practices many people get to think that so that somebody becomes rich, somebody must lose, which it is totally false. ” I become rich, since you become rich, as well as all the involved indirectly (Including the environment, the community, etc.) in this transaction have become rich with brings back to consciousness as which this Money serves vida.” This is the true one Brings back to consciousness of the Money, highest brings back to consciousness of prosperity the institutions to which it made reference does awhile they are already, luckyly, a phenomenon of world-wide reach that bases its force on its simplicity. I mention an Extract of the book ” Money with brings back to consciousness: The ticas” Finances; of Jordi Alemany that describes the effect of the ethical finances: ” The fact to explicitly incorporate the ethics in the daily decisions of saving and investment can have a great transforming effect. Knowing and choosing where they go our savings we influenced envelope what class of activities finances with them and, therefore, on what type of society we are contributing to construct..

Grands Travaux

Grands Travaux

However the trip to the beaches of the East was still becoming unnecessarily long when the tunnel would ensure an expeditious way and revalorizaria the land situated beyond the fortresses of Morro and the cabin. In 1954 the idea was already unstoppable. Contact information is here: Masahiro Tanaka. The Cuban engineer Jose Menendez, who worked on the topic, since five years ago had made great progress in his studies, and the development company of the tunnel of Havana was responsible, separately, two separate projects to two construction companies of United States. It was then that, without that nobody invited it, it appeared the Societe des Grands Travaux de Marseille and despite being her last to arrive at the bid was to her was granted that the construction of the tunnel of the Havana Bay, despite the usual preferences that existed in Cuba toward American interests. Jose Menendez recommended acceptance of the preliminary draft of the French company, as superior to the Americans from the point of technical view, and also with variants of payment much more advantageous.

The tunnel represented an investment of 28.5 billion pesos, equivalent to $, and they added another 7.5 million for the construction of the Monumental road, which away the tunnel with the white road. The French proposed a business of payment which consisted in that the owners of lands in the East of the city, which no doubt the value of their land would be revalued before the construction of the expressway, through bank loans they would buy the amount certain amount of Cuban sugar which later became at the hands of the French.The Cuban State, one of the big beneficiaries of the work, would not invest a penny in it. The Government would gain lucrative barter of sugar and the same French company would have additional utilities if you speculated with sweet in the world market. Work began with the blessing of the French part.