Animal Kingdom
Despite this linking does not seem so evident thus in the daily one lived for the candidate the ambient manager, this will be charged to fiscalize the treatment of the animals and also to help to stop the badness human being who inferniza the Animal Kingdom. Read additional details here: Puma Energy. Something that moan concerning the attitude it course and of the profession is its current vision still estagnada on the rights of the animals, although all those linkings between environment and impartial respect to the animals not-human beings. The sector (and it disciplines academic) of management of natural resources still treats the fauna as a source of resources for the man, leaving to understand that the concern standard of a manager in what refers to the private treatment to the Animal Kingdom not-human being is in the maximum to promote bem-estarismo to the agricultural animals explored or to take care of of the monitoramento, selection and protection of the wild animals, being thus kept the permission for the almost free exploration – a time that the bem-estarismo would not allow extreme cruelties – of the animal victims of the agricultural world. Given this estagnada vision, it is the stimulaton lack so that the professional in ambient management includes in its love to the profession the impartial love to the animals not-human beings, to the universal fauna, and also she is displayed a gap ethical. Of the same skill that the ambient manager is gotten passionate by the complete and preserved nature, independent of which it is the ecosystem, since the natural half-barren vegetation to the tropical forest, it would have to also watch over for the animals without meaning (excepting the eradication of parasites that are harmful to domesticated animals to the human beings). E, in the same way that it is an ethical duty that the manager not apie exclusion acts human being despite it was for forest resetting, it must have also to have ethical to repudiate the animal exploration, still more that one that invariably polui and devasta the environment around. It is my recommendation to the professors and pupils of the courses of Ambient Management and the ones that already had been formed: they look for to give more attention to problematic of the exploration and the slaughter of the animals not-human beings, a time that is said that the relation man-animal also is integrant part of the ambient panorama. A suggestion that catches unprepared the proper managers or candidates: they start I obtain same the efforts of ambient preservation, leaving to consume foods and come products of dead or enslaved animals. does not advance to give the excuse of ' ' culture of consumption of animais' ' , because the proper culture is something that the necessary ambient manager obturar and adjusting so that the support is reached. Of the same skill that vocs would help to improve the cultural parameters of a traditional community that was depleting the next trees to make sculptures wooden, can very adjust well of its proper society. Starting for vocs same.