Bovinocultura of cut in Roraima Roraima possesss 225 a thousand km of territorial area, of which 17% (four million hectares) are constituted by the savannah ecosystem. Some authors consider this environment as open pasture, general fields of the known Rio Branco or local as region of the cultivated one. The savannahs of Roraima the same occupy an area to the northeast of the state, being extension of bioma that it is extended for the Guyana, Suriname Venezuela (Barbosa et al., 2007). The vegetation of savannahs in Roraima is composed mainly for different fitofisionomias formed by not forest vegetation (Miranda et al., 2002), that is, has great predominance of natural or native pastures. Per some years, the region of the cultivated one of Roraima was covered for Portuguese come for the Black river (Amazon), for deriving Spaniard of Venezuela and dutches and English of the Guyana. As alternative definitively to mark the domain for these lands, the Portuguese had raised, in 1775, the fort of Are Joaquin in the confluences between the rivers Uraricoera Tacutu, formadores of the Rio Branco. If until that occasion the High Rio Branco not possua no economic activity, in 1787, then the governor of the Province of the Black River, Manoel colonel of Gamma Wolf D? Almada, defended the occupation of the extensive areas of the general fields of the Rio Branco, with the cattle one as form to justify the Portuguese presence in the region, fact this that came to occur in 1789, when the proper governor brought the first heads of bovines, proceeding from Tef, in Amazon. The animals, about 17 reses, had been brought in great canoes, for the Farms of the King (reference to the King of Portugal), called of Are Marcos, Are Bento and Are Jose (Freitas, 1996). Passed 131 years, cattle constitua in the main economic activity of the region, in 1920, they existed about 300 a thousand heads of bovines in the cultivated ones of Roraima.