Central Directory
The leader of the communities must have proximity and affinity with public. That is very important, therefore being close to its equal ones you lead, them of entities know its necessities and yearnings, but in turn, this must in fact look the public power. It stows during the week in contact with representatives of estudantis entities of some cities of the region to have given concrete of the action of the public power in the muncios and one of the examples of efficient public politics was the found one in Caibat. Through the program PATES, initiative of the Secretariat of Administration and Chamber of Councilmen in partnership with the AUCA Association of the Colleges student of Caibat, since as the semester of 2010, the city hall subventionizes the students of buying potential minor in the transport the courses of all the levels in the cities of the region as Saint ngelo, Cerro Largo and Sao luiz Gonzaga. The crossing of data guided the creation of the project, these make possible to find the way most sensible and efficient to apply subvention so that it had greater exploitation of the public capital, showing the concern of the municipal administration in the correct application of resources.
Only in the period of August the November of 2010, they had been repassed around 8 a thousand Reals only for assistance to the estudantil transport for courses it are of the headquarters of the city, resource given directly to the pupil or its tutors in the case of minors. The projects directed to the sport and leisure are many sponsored by the sport sector and secretariat of health. The cabinet if has kept of open doors all and the any citizen. As many cities of the region, all leadership politics has will of assisting its countrymen, what it lacks is will and aptitude of them you lead of communities and associations in searching resource and assisting the municipal executive to decide the priorities. Mayor is not onisciente, does not know of all the necessities. It needs that the population participates actively of the decisions.
Therefore, I joined you people mine.