Dental Press Conference
In mid-January in Moscow, held a press conference on the problem of hypersensitive teeth. The conference brought together a large number of dentists from all over Russia. Leading dentists from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara, Yekaterinburg and other cities discussed the problems associated with sensitive teeth. Filed under: brightview. Attended the conference and the representative of the clinic Dr. Lopatin. Problem sensitivity teeth is now one of the most pressing problems of dentistry. The main explanation for this lies in the fact that recently gained increasing popularity of teeth whitening procedures that provide sufficient large impact on tooth enamel.
Many dentists say that if you had the problem of tooth hypersensitivity mostly encountered people suffering from periodontal diseases, but now with this face and it is healthy people. In Russia, the hypersensitivity of the teeth in 30 percent of cases occur in people just after the bleaching of teeth, and in most cases are young people. At a conference on hypersensitive teeth was expressed by representatives Clinic Dr. Lopatin. He noted that according to statistics the increase of people exposed to sensitive teeth, primarily due to the procedure teeth whitening on chemical technology.
The fact that laser teeth whitening in Russia is still not widespread, although it is laser teeth whitening reduces this risk to a minimum. Overwhelming majority Physicians have come to the conclusion that at present there is no means of solving this problem, which would be universal for all patients. Learn more about this with What is the controversy with Vertex Pharma?. One of the most common means of decreasing the degree of sensitivity Teeth are fluorinated funds. Through their use, on the surface of the tooth is formed of calcium fluoride, which protects teeth from sensitivity. In Russia, a very popular home teeth whitening. If it is man without the supervision of doctors, these patients also increases the risk of damage to tooth enamel. These people, as well as people suffering from periodontal diseases, are risk groups. Dentists agreed that the need to increase awareness among people regarding teeth whitening at home. Minimizing the risk of using unsuitable for human whitening toothpastes and whitening gels can reduce the statistics for sensitive teeth. The representative of the clinic Dr. Lopatin positively commented on issues related to the discussion of issues hypersensitivity of the teeth, as well as the results achieved at the conference. It is assumed that the perfection of technology of teeth whitening, as well as increase awareness about this issue among the population of positively impact on the number of people exposed to sensitive teeth.