Economic Chamber Austria
FH campus Vienna focuses on protection from economic and industrial espionage with the presentation of the manual Know-How protection for the Austrian economy, a project of the Department of risk and security management of the University of applied sciences was completed on Monday, September 13, 2011 campus Vienna. Project partners were the Federal Office for protection of the Constitution and combating terrorism, the Federation and the Economic Chamber Austria. The rising awareness that the lively interest of security and executives who followed the invitation to the presentation of the book showed to one who is among the most important risk points of the economic existence of a company, economic and industrial espionage. The necessity of the Know-How protection could be represented in the framework of this project for the first time with facts and figures. An estimated annual total damages of around 880 million shows that an intensive examination of economic and industrial espionage by the person in charge of the Austrian economy urgently required is. “To protect themselves effectively against economic and industrial espionage can, it is necessary to know where the dangers threaten, how you can protect against it and who can help you, if you sacrifice” was.
University of applied sciences-Prof. Dr. Heinz Schmidt, Rector of the University of applied sciences campus Vienna, opened the evening with own experiences from the field of expertise drainage in the economy. Decades of activities have shown him in a big international group how important it is to bring important corporate or company information targeted to the correct addressee. A conversation in the break of communication at meetings, discus ions at events is been used again, to learn more expertise than it was actually intended by the opposite. The project of the Department of risk and safety management in cooperation with the Federal Office for the protection of the Constitution and combating terrorism, the industrial association and the Chamber of Commerce was the first step, with facts and figures to show the damage to the Austrian economy and the Start by means of the manual, under the title referring Know-How drain to reach a possible awareness.