Financial Education
The problem by which it is difficult to happen from a quadrant to another one is because us we leave to take by the fear or the emotions and is that what it stops to us at the time of deciding and acting. If we want to be professional investors we must learn to control the emotions to be neutral and to think coldly at the time of making a decision; this is only obtained with a good Financial Education. Mr. Kiyosaki says who " Although all we are human beings, when one talks about to the money and the emotions related to the money, all we respond of different way. And it is the way in which we respond to those emotions which often it determines in what quadrant we choose to generate ours ingreso" How to begin? We can to begin step by step and the form simplest to do it, according to Kiyosaki, it is: – First to begin our Financial Education. – Secondly: to begin with 3 moneyboxes and to deposit in each of them every day a currency (the one that you want: of 10 cents, 1 Euro, etc.) during 90 days, although this finally will have to become a habit for the rest of your life.
If it beams these training to you to be an Investor, you are disciplining yourself to have the mentality of a rich person. – Third party: Manten your present work and begins a business per hours, I do not commit the error to let your work to begin a business. You do not overload yourself, It plans and it doses your activities. In order to begin your Financial Education: Lee books, attends seminaries, relacinate with people who have this mentality and they help to change to your paradigms with respect to the money you. Present Ten that the money you does not make rich, which makes rich is your financial intelligence. Many already we have realized that we lived in the Era of the Information, no longer we are in a culture merely Industrialist, but in a Culture of Communications and this new one It was in which we lived, the Knowledge is the New Currency. For even more opinions, read materials from Jennifer Skyler. As he already wrote Kenneth Galbraith: " The money was the motor of the industrial society. But in the society of the Information the propellent, the power it is the Conocimiento". Original author and source of the article.