Rio De Janeiro
Violent acts are presented as recurrent gifts and in the daily one of the slum quarter; assaults, dispute for points of sales of drugs, however we do not have to omit that this violence also is precarious conditions of life of the community. The film strengthens the idea of the violence as I circulate banal vicious and ( The more people died, more had people wanting to enter, of a side and another one) of the lack of option of these people front to its reality: to coexist the violence and the marginality. Buscap one of the personages central offices and narrator of the film obtains to become photographer, with the photo of the flock of small Z, it has the possibility to obtain its work and with photo of the dealer dead it consists as I photograph of a periodical. The joined solution is individual, without the questioning of the established order. Stolen dreams, long metragem whose flmico scene is a slum quarter of Rio De Janeiro, space of individual conflicts. has as conducting wire of the narrative the experiences of three girls who are friends: Jssica, Sabrina, Daiane. Jssica has a small son, both lives with the grandfather, it makes programs for ' ' ganhar' ' the life and to support the son and to help the grandfather.
Sabrina alone deferred payment, of transcorrer of film, it knows a dealer, starts to inhabit in the engravida house of it and of this, however the same not accepted the fact abandons and it. Daiane has 14 years and deferred payment with the aunt and husband of this. The girl is forcene by this, and she denounced when it outside she banishes from house for the aunt. The three have in prostitution the possibility of the sustenance and financial independence. It matters to elucidate that prostitution is presented with alleviated contours and the violence of quiet form.