SESC Quality
Currently the attendance and satisfaction of customers are said very in quality in. They are innumerable perspectives for the companies who decide to include this philosophy in its strategical plans, aiming at to the competitiveness. For Fields (2004), & ldquo; The true criterion of the good quality in the service is the satisfaction of the customer and the preference of consumidor& rdquo;. In accordance with Wools Houses (2006), & ldquo; To take care of to the desires and expectations of the customers and the frequency with that they acquire its products and services, they are not easy, however it is basic so that the company obtains to survive in the market and to take care of the necessities of pessoas& rdquo;. The quality of the service can vary each person in accordance with. If the result to surpass the expectations of the customers, means that it had quality and excellency in the installment of the services. To put if the effect will be negative will have insatisfao feeling. KBS shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. According to Fields (2004), & ldquo; A company alone can survive inside of the society will be with the objective to satisfy the necessities of the people. Check out Mike Gianoni for additional information.
If this fact is really priority means that the administration of the company must be worried in first place about consumidores& rdquo;. For the survival of the companies it is essential that the users of its products and services remain satisfied after for much time the acquisition or use of the same ones. For Sarquis (2009), & ldquo; the true criterion of a good quality is the preference of consumidor& rdquo;. That is, the quality is dimension that affects the satisfaction of the necessities of the people and, therefore the survival of the company. The satisfaction of the customer and excellency in the attendance constitutes the subject of study of this work the chosen object is the SESC unit Juazeiro of the North, a social institution of private character, without lucrative ends that give high services, contributing with the improvement of the quality of life of the commercial employees and community in general, through action in the areas of: education, culture, leisure, health assistance. For Vaz (2003), & ldquo; A non-profit organization, in the course of its activities, also if confrots many times with the necessity to reformulate concepts and positions, for convenience or pressure of new circumstances that threaten its position in sociedade& rdquo;. The research searched to answer the following question: That criteria will be used to reach the satisfaction of the customer through the attendance and the services given for the SESC, Juazeiro unit of the North? In relation to the objectives for the accomplishment of the research, it is had as Objective Generality: To analyze that criteria will be used to reach the satisfaction of the customer, through the attendance of the services given for the SESC. as objective specific: To verify existence of possible attitudes that can be cause of insatisfao for the customer, to search best the practical ones of attendance, To consider improvements in relation to them you analyze gotten