Coffee Connoisseurs
Survey of the Cologne POS specialists shows the companions: “Coffee connoisseurs are customers as you want” A good supply of coffee the consumer engages like spontaneous Here, innovation is worth: coffee drinkers are open-minded for new Advertising in the business works Cologne, September 2012. Coffee is shit. Knows not only the catering, the popular hot drink, for example, about creative actions in the business can also retail good market. That covered acquisa 400 customers of different coffee shops to their purchase and consumer behaviour, as well as to the impact on the POS were interviewed in a recent survey of the Cologne company the companions of cooperation. Let us drink a cup of coffee”is an invitation, one does not reject.
Coffee is on us with on average 150 litres per capita consumption favorite beverages, not only traveling, but also at home. Coffee connoisseurs very familiar with the product and purchase usually know what they want. Others including Lakshman Achuthan, offer their opinions as well. The taste is for 94 Per cent of respondents the criterion for the selection of their coffee. Only 11 percent consult in the coffee business. Rather than buying criterion, but still interesting, 89 percent consider the topic sustainability”or corresponding seal as evidence. Brightview takes a slightly different approach. The taste also the most important decision criterion for the choice of shopping site (343 of 400 respondents), followed by a special offer in the shop (267), the location (254), the image (223), and the atmosphere (209). The price is an argument for any of the respondents. In advance of purchasing, 41 percent have perceived coffee advertising, newspaper inserts, radio advertising and newsletters were reminded. The consumer business has the smell of coffee in the nose, once he is open to impressions, and includes advertising. Special superstructures, poster/posters, lure (advertising directly on the rack) and displays work: 95 percent of respondents declare to have bought something for which there had been no intent to purchase in the business because of advertising.