Happiness Mindfulness Joy
How happiness and satisfaction can be achieved with the three pillars of mindfulness, joy and gratitude, Ursula Richter pointed out in her new book. Those who still dare to add another the countless books on the subject of happiness, must have good reasons for it. Ursula Richard, Publisher of the newly-founded edition steinrich, Publisher of spiritual books, translator of many books by Thich Nhat Hanh and founder of the manufacture of literature in Berlin, is in her book but ultimately more about the three pillars of mindfulness, joy and gratitude as the basis of a successful life as to recipes for a lifelong happiness in a matter of seconds, as they are given so many guide books on the subject. The author points out that not only wholesome mental States, but means, who want to be gone and though stamina. Only if we give enough space in our everyday lives the development of mindfulness, joy and gratitude, it will bear fruit in the long term. Then can assist you us, persistent with ourselves and the own inner source of happiness in contact to come experience our connectedness with all and to act.
For the author, who for more than 20 years, spiritual paths and actively practiced, these qualities have proved to be particularly powerful means for a successful life. That’s why her book also includes a variety of suggestions and exercises that can be useful as March baggage on the spiritual path. That lead this way not in a unworldliness, illustrate the very personally held short portraits of the Vietnamese Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh, the Austrian-American Benedictine monk David Steindl-Rast and the German-American teacher Toni Packer, representing examples this way, embody in a way. All three connect spiritual and social commitment according to Ursula Richard in her life in a most impressive way, and last but not least have as personal role models of the author their own understanding of spirituality is very marked. While many authors present themselves as gurus, way or knowing and declare their way as the only true, this book deliberately writes Ursula Richard from the perspective of an adventurous learners. On each page of the book, it is felt that for the author, mindfulness, joy, and gratitude are not only strikingly used terms, but that they decisively belong to their own spiritual practice. A worthwhile, inspiring book for all those who have the courage to make up an autonomous mindful, joyful and grateful towards yourself.