hcg (human chorionic gonadotropin) – one of the main hormones of pregnancy. Its produced by cells of chorion (shell of the embryo) is already in the first week after the attachment of the embryonic egg in the uterus. That is already about the third week of the start of the menstrual cycle (of course, if ovulation has occurred in time – the 14 th day and not moved 'later on'), if the pregnancy took place in the mother's blood can identify elevated hormone hcg. By the way, and the effect of normal pregnancy tests are based just on determining the presence of this hormone in the urine of women. Mike Gianoni has plenty of information regarding this issue. However, in the first place is determined by hCG in the blood – and only then begins to increase its concentration in urine. So sometimes the pregnancy can be determined solely by a blood test – for example, when to delay menstruation yet seemingly far, but all the 'symptoms' indicate that the attachment still happened So, if you do not want to wait until a regular pregnancy test finally dispel all doubt, or for whatever reasons, you will need to confirm their 'interesting situation', without waiting for the delay monthly (eg, habitual miscarriage, or hormonal deficiency), then you can help just a blood test for the hormone hCG. Analysis on the hCG usually dealt with in the morning.
Blood from a vein taken on an empty stomach, and if you rent analysis is not in the morning, it is recommended that before this refrain from the use of food for 4-6 hours. If you use any hormones, then tell your doctor – taking some medications affect the results analysis. For your convenience, we provide some standards for levels of hCG in the blood at different stages of pregnancy. But note: in different laboratories may have different units, so pay attention to the norms of a particular laboratory, where you do the analysis – they are usually spelled out on a piece of paper on which you will get results. 1-2 weeks (from conception) – 25-300 mIU / ml 2-3 weeks – 1500-5000 mIU / ml 3-4 weeks – 10000-30000 mIU / ml 4-5 weeks – 20000-100000 mU / ml 5 – 6 weeks – 50000-200000 mU / ml 6-7 weeks – 50000 – 200000 mIU / ml 7-8 weeks – 20000-200000 mU / ml 8-9 weeks – 20000-100000 mU / ml 9-10 weeks – 20000-95000 iu / ml 12.11 a week – 20000-90000 iu / ml in nonpregnant women and men in the body as hormone hCG is present, but in this case its content is less than 5 mU / ml. After 12 weeks of pregnancy measurement of hCG levels is meaningless, since this period, its concentration in the blood begins to gradually decrease. Thus, an expectant mother to have a big belly pregnancy test (sensitivity which of 25 mU / ml) can be negative – ironic, but true!