Colds And Flu: Infection Duo Helps
Top recipe: Horseradish honey balsamic for colds in the wet cold season hit a particularly fast: If all cough and sneeze, then a cold is no longer far away. The nose runs, hurts the neck and the skull buzzing. Often the best meds help nothing. It is also said: without treatment seven days, with treatment, a cold lasts a week. A perfect anti-infection duo keeps however strong germ killer nature. You can find the ingredients for this effective duo in any good kitchen: horseradish and honey. Horseradish contains valuable substances which affect natural way against pathogenic agents including bacteria, viruses and even fungi.
Honey is used in naturopathy as a valuable remedy with antiseptic effect. Together, Horseradish and honey combine their healing powers to a natural antibiotic and Virustatikum. As a duo, both natural remedies make especially strong against colds and flu. Top recipe: Horseradish honey balm for colds blending you table horseradish from the glass or from the tube with honey in a 1:1 ratio. You can use also fresh, grated horseradish. /a> not as a source, but as a related topic. The honey defused the taste of Horseradish and enhances its effect at the same time. At the first sign of a cold ingest a teaspoon of this mixture up to five times a day and it is better to go you soon again. In the current guide caution to find many more recipes?DOCTOR of Vanessa Halen.
The author provides more information about this book, free excerpts and eBooks, exceptional tips and recipes around the themes of health, beauty and well-being on their homepage: caution doctor: even sick to the doctor – forever the new Chief Advisor of the BoD bestselling author Vanessa Halen ISBN 978-3-8448-1910-6 100 pages-12,90 euros free sample: Vorsicht_Arzt_Leseprobe.pdf Publisher: books on demand GmbH in de Tarpen 42 22848 Norderstedt phone: 040-534335-0 Review copy: index.php? id = 3144 contact and press inquiries: Vanessa Halen is an expert in health, beauty and wellness. In addition to her studies of art and special education, she completed training as the Camouflagistin and attended seminars in the fields of Cosmetology and naturopathy. Their expertise rounded off finally it through a practitioner training. Today, the author works as a freelance journalist and copywriter. She has published over 300 articles and several non-fiction books and guides.