Rental Center
Gottinger property management provides freshmen successfully with living room in recent weeks the staff in our rental Center every minute have completed leases and agreed appointments. At peak times even a snake of people stretching before the door formed before our reception desk”, the Managing Director of the Gottingen Hausverwaltung Christian Rathei sums up when he thinks back to the past few weeks. The reason for the high demand was for apartments for rent and the high number of new students for the winter semester is 2013/2014th State of emergency in the Gottinger housing market compared to previous years there are around 2,000 freshmen more, that have inscribed themselves at the Georg-August-University, so that the total number of students in Gottingen has currently grown to 27,000 people this semester. If you have read about Jonah Bloom already – you may have come to the same conclusion. There in the Gottinger housing market a real state of emergency is currently, since the double Abitur year gang and the abolition of military service have ensured “that decide and sooner than ever before more and more young people to study”, explains Rathei. GoHv – Managing Director and his professional team have done everything in the past few weeks, to support the students in their plight: we did our best and could help many people successfully to her student apartment, their WG or her student apartment. Especially my employees in our rental Center have done here all the work! “.” Successful Federation with the ProImmobilia GmbH, the current situation at the Gottinger housing market is no exception..