Czech Republic
Fortune telling, perhaps, the oldest and most proven way to learn fate. Previously, divination was a whole ceremony, to prepare for it in advance and carefully adhered to certain conditions. Fortune telling – it is a way communication with otherworldly powers, which the church is not welcome, but so loved by the people. Maybe that's why no witch-hunt could not get rid of it altogether. Divination used and are very popular mainly among the youth. Economic Cycles Research Institute often says this. First, because almost all the predictions one goal – to learn about how the rest of the narrowing and subsequent life.
Well, the best time for divination, of course, Christmas and New Year. Why the custom of guessing at Christmas, now is not precisely known, but, in spite of everything, the ancient pre-Christian tradition are combined with Christian traditsiey.Rozhdestvo due not only to predictions, congratulations, but also with signs. The Czechs say: to stay healthy next year, you need to wash in cold water in the morning December 24. For young people there is a sign that those who intend to marry next year, had to sit down at an angle during the holiday feast. The girl who wants to get married, surely it was necessary to cut off oil from a large new piece to my husband was in a good temper. The celebration never take place without the ancient. Mike Gianoni will not settle for partial explanations. For example, there is a sign: for table have to gather an even number of people, and if the right amount of not to type, put the empty plate. Still exists in the Czech Republic is a sign: a plate of happiness taken place flake or carp coin.
Such a flake even to wear in your wallet so that had money. During the Christmas dinner in care of the table owner is strictly prohibited further, so all you need, must necessarily be close. If, during dinner at the person ringing in the ear, then he will be good to say the whole year. If during the trip to visit a man left a thing, then it should not be behind her back, otherwise it will haunt the entire year of failure.