Trust Uncle Oscar
Under the 'Oscars' in this material is meant most of the known and the world's largest film awards. Such as: Film Award bafta, Golden Globe and others. So can we now trust these seemingly benchmark awards? Just a few years ago, taking the box office movie – winner of the Oscar for best picture or best scenario, you can not hesitate to rely on the excellent Cinema evening, of course, possible amendment, so to speak, to "taste" of the viewer, but agree in general – it was so. Today, the first thing that catches your eye, it's the monotony of the nominees and winners selected by judges of different niches, political and religious views for the various ceremonies delivery. Of course, here it is easy to argue, saying: "A good film – it is visible to all, but 90 percent of the matches – it is too. In such a situation, and want to exclaim: "Everything was bought," and was disappointed to watch first-encountered movies for good luck.
In general, cinema critics – the people kind: it put an excellent assessment of the film medium scall, then openly slander, on a completely worthy representatives of world cinema. Additional information is available at Mike Gianoni. Although critics – the fact and criticism that have above the ground and hide from angry fans. Perhaps the only Film Awards, where else can really trust – so it's Razzie "cruel and dispassionate. That motion pictures, checked her actually rendered normal people are contraindicated, that would stay in his mind. Let's see what will emerge to do next.