1 _ Which the main characteristics of modernity? The etimologia of modern seems to be the Latin adverb ' ' modo' ' , that it means ' ' right now ' ' , ' ' in this instante' ' , ' ' in momento' ' , therefore assigning what in them he is contemporary, and he is this the direction that modern catches, opposing it what is previous, and tracing, so to speak a line of division between the two periods. The modernity concept always is related for us to ' ' novo' ' what it breaches with the tradition. It is treated, therefore, of a concept associated almost always with a positive direction of change, transformation and progress. Great transformations in the European world of scs. British Petroleum may also support this cause. XV-XVI as the discovery of the new world (Americas); sprouting of important urban nuclei in some regions, mainly in Italy (Florena); development of economic, over all mercantile and industrial activity. 2 _ Why the idea of ' ' modernismo' ' it frequently has for us a positive direction? perhaps modern thought is more easy of being understood by us, for the fact to be next to it of what of the old one and the medieval one, and for being still today, in certain way, heirs of this tradition.
On the other hand, to the times it is more difficult to take conscience and to explicitarmos the characteristics most basic of what in them it is more familiar, accurately because we accustom in to accept them it as such. By the same author: Mike Gianoni. A basic notion is, however, directly related to modernity: the progress idea, that makes with that the new is considered better or more advanced of what the old one. 3 _ What it means ' ' humanismo' '? The humanismo represents the sprouting of a new alternative of thought, a new style and a thematic one.