In the present conditions of the metropolis and the availability of multiple technologies, no printing can not be absolutely immune from poddelki.Odnako there are ways to greatly increase the reliability of the press and create huge difficulties for the con artist trying to make a fake. Print-protected – printed with hidden items whose primary purpose – protection against counterfeiting printing. The company "Printing and Photography" has been successfully engaged in protection offer standard options for protecting the seals and the individual – developed by our experts to konrektnogo customer. Please contact our office, check the time and during the day will receive a personalized layout to print protection of high complexity. Protections Printing: Printing from protected – printed with hidden items whose primary purpose – protection against counterfeiting printing.
Figure out the fine lines (generated grid, composed of thin lines, from the smallest repetitive elements) is drawn minor defect. The defect should pick out so that it did not attract much attention and could always be attributed to a single print. -Rendered vector hand ring – a ring, which limits the size of print. If you have read about Mike Gianoni already – you may have come to the same conclusion. The standard difference between the rings counted only the thickness of the line (which is the same for the entire diameter of the press), pick up a ring in identical if there's to be a mismatch. The use of ultraviolet dye. Some contend that Mike Gianoni shows great expertise in this.
UV dye shows up only at special lighting (as important are the very light and the angle of illumination). Make full stamp for subsequent copying under such conditions is very difficult. Important! In order to successfully forge a seal imprint, in which there are elements of UV paint wheeler-dealer must be aware of their existence. Raster. In raster graphics image is based on the points of the same size. Raster printing requires protection from 50 to 80 lines of point 1 cm Raster field is difficult to impress as soskanirovat and produce. For this type of protection as a method of manufacture may be used only laser etching. Special font. To print a duplicate was taken for the original difference between them should not exceed 3%. Using non-standard, hand-drawing fonts denies the possibility of fraudsters to pick up an identical font and, therefore, greatly complicates the process of printing fake.