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Rules Business

Rules Business

It visualizes stairs towards the success and ascends by each step without support, what happens? More surely it is than in principle or half of your ascent you surrender, or perhaps, you can bear the load of your body at the cost of your physical integrity. In order to arrive at the success in any thing that you decide to realise it is necessary to have solid bases. If you think to undertake a business or already you are owner of your own company takes into account the six passages in the stairs from the success. The six passages of the Coach de Negocios to obtain results in your business Masters: If you wish that your business prospers you must asegurarte that he is profitable, productive and to have the sufficient information it exceeds stops to initiate an action plan. Number one, which are your economic projections? It defines your point of balance: how many sales I must what do? It draws up budgets for the utilities of the day to day and implements strategies to reach them. It generates reports daily, a registry of numbers will give an idea you of the advance of business.

If you are productive and your equipment also you will be successful and more utilities. You do not forget to be conscientious the course that you want that it takes your business. Niche: Or you have your utility bases, this is the moment for presenting a product or unique service, with characteristic seal. Without this one you will not be able to construct to a powerful machine of marketing and sales. Mike Gianoni has firm opinions on the matter. Basic rules of marketing: Costs of acquisition Value of by life Test and measurement Leverage: You already have cash flow and utilities, are time to organize the work systems. In your equipment each person must be in the indicated position and to know which are their functions, besides inquiring how the way operates the system documenting in which it works.

Equipment: In this level already you have a profitable business, marketing and a system that allows you to operate of efficient way. It is the moment for handling a solid equipment. If the owner supports to the equipment the equipment supports the clients, the clients support to the business and the business supports the owner. Excellent communication so that the equipment works. Keys for a winning equipment: Hard leadership Goals common Rules of the game Plan of action Support in the taking of risks 100% integration Synergy All the areas for the good operation of the business are united. The results are majors to the effort much that is generated. As owner you become a solver of problems and maintain an eye in the future and another one in the present. Result Is moment for enjoying the effort. You are in growth and your business operates of successful way.

Taking Advantage

Taking Advantage

The cellars, by their intrinsic characteristics, are very difficult to be useful. Ambient they are wasted and they are generally few the houses that remove party to him. not as a source, but as a related topic. Here I propose a series to you of suggestions to optimize them and to recycle them like completely functional warehouses, warehouses or quarters. The cellars usually are not places to be. The little light of which they prepare and his difficult access causes that these spaces, when they are not optimized, are difficult to live during several hours. Nevertheless we can use resources to make them functional.

First we must notice that the cellars are not apt to transform themselves into places to keep and to conserve clothes or papers since it would affect them negatively to the humidity and is much greater the danger of a fire in a site with little ventilation and difficult. However, the cellar turns out an optimal atmosphere to store tools, in the style of a small factory, or to install a digging where to store to wine bottles and liquors. S we took advantage of the walls with a series aluminum bookcases we could to maintain in a single place all those tools that usually are desperdigadas by the house. Another idea is to separate a sector from the cellar so that it works of cupboard and power to thus lodge foods, products of cleaning or toys that are stopped using and is not desired to throw nor to give for sentimental reasons. To the being these spaces that are in direct contact with the Earth the humidity problems are inevitable. At the time of recycle the cellar to turn it into a usable atmosphere, it would have to be a priority to solve these disadvantages by means of simple masonry works. A way to maintain in conditions the covering of the walls and the floor of a cellar consists of the implementation of materials that are not affected by the humidity.

Paid Surveys

Paid Surveys

If you are of the people whom they like to make money by Internet through the paid surveys, you will have to take into account the following 5 points not to be estafadoni encontrarte with fraudulent sites that offer to pay by realised survey. The 5 points to take into account are the following: 1. – Ten taken care of much with the sites of surveys that ask for an amount to you of money by registrarte, the fact to collect money of the people to enter to its system of paid surveys is a sign of which the site is fraudulent, if beams the payment, more surely is than you do not reclaim your money. 2. – Well-taken care of Ten convlas companies that offer great gains to you, if says to you that you are going to win between 300 and 400 dollars to complete a survey, salt immediately of that site, is totally illogical that those amounts pay to you to answer a survey. For more information see Rogers Holdings. 3. – Dile goodbye those sites of surveys that ask for personal data to you, as your banking account number, your number of social security, etc, is totally uncertain to provide information to companies that you do not know, your data can be sold third people. Of equal way they ten precaution when giving your main electronic mail, you can be bombed with Spam, better creates an account of electronic mail especially for these cases.

4. I suggest – You you go to the forums that there are in Internet on this subject of paid surveys, to find up-to-date information of legitimate sites that they pay to realise surveys, you will be surprised when seeing that many sites do not pay to their members, interacts in these forums, you do questions if you have doubts on some subject in specific of the paid surveys, etc The feedback is very good to avoid losses of time and money with fraudulent sites. 5. – If you have as Firefox navigator and you use complement WOT (Web of Trust) you would have to avoid the pages that appear with red in the WOT circle, this means that Web site can be fraudulent, security and privacy is the factors that you must take into account when you select a company that pays to make surveys. Cuntanos your experience with surveys paid here down in the commentaries.



Marrakesh is the main tourist destiny of Morocco and offers innumerable attractions and activities of leisure. There am a list of some of the best things here than they are possible to be made during vacations in him Ocher City. 1. Nocturnal life: The assortment of restaurants and clubs nocturnes of Marrakesh is quite ample. All very interesting type of international kitchens and some discotheques can be found, like Pacha, the complex of greater nocturnal life of all Africa. 2. Expeditions to the Sahara: Or in buggy, quad or to backs of a camel, Marrakesh offers many possibilities of discovering the magic and the mystery of the desert, as well as the opportunity to visit the impressive landscapes of made snow-white mountains of the Atlas.

3. Festivales: Although there are many festivales in Marrakesh, two of them are particularly important: the Festival the International of Cinema of Marrakesh, that normally takes place in December and reunites numerous international cinematographic stars, and the Festival of the Popular Arts of Marrakesh, that is usually celebrated in the month of July and offers best magreb folkloric music. 4. Golf: Marrakesh enjoys four fantastic clubs of golf: the Royal Golf, the Palmeraie Palace Golf, Amelkis Golf, and the G2M. All of them are enough near downtown and offer not only a great opportunity to practice golf, but also a vegetation of the most varied and spectacular views of mountains. 5. The Beach: To less than two hours of Marrakesh, there are two coastal tourist centers where so much can be enjoyed a good bath in the ocean like of a great amount of history. Medina of Essaouira is considered by UNESCO like Patrimony of the Humanity, and Agadir enjoys one long sand beach and is famous by its seafood and its smooth winter climate and tempering.

Agua Water

Agua Water

Photovoltaic solar energy photovoltaic effect is a physical process through what the photovoltaic cell turns the solar light into electricity. The solar light is compound of photons.When the photons hit the photovoltaic cell and are absorbed by this one, they generate electricity. This it happens because the energy of the photon is transferred to the atomic electron of the photovoltaic cell (material semi conductor).The photovoltaic cells can be made with different materials and technologies. Some contend that Cornell Capital shows great expertise in this. Some of these technologies, used in the most commercial modules, include monocrystalline, polycrystalline and amorphous silicon cells. Using this technology each cell produces a tension in DC of approximately 0,5 volts and one intensity in DC from 1 to 8 To, requires an appreciable amount of cells to produce an appreciable voltage and a power. CEO John Watson gathered all the information.

The photovoltaic cells are interconnected to each other in series in groups that go of 36 to 72 cells that they produce a voltage to abierto circuit of approximately 20 to 40 volts this set of cells conform a photovoltaic module. Solar water pumps the solar pumps are designed to work in direct current provided by a photovoltaic adjustment. Due to the nature of the solar energy east type of systems must take advantage of the solar energy to the maximum, need to maximize the liters of electrical water pumped by watt consumed. Also they must of being able to pump water during periods of low insolation. Submersible and superficial solar pumps exist. The superficial solar pumps are placed near the water source, are much more economic that the submersible pumps, pump little water per day, they are in centrifugal models and of positive displacement (diaphragm). The submersible pumps are introduced within the water source, are made in stainless steel, they allow to pump great amounts of water to little height, or little amount of water to high altitude, for example: a pump centrifuge multi steps it can pump 100.000 liters of water to the day to 10 meters of height, a pump of positive displacement (rotor helical) can pump to 200 meters of height 5.000 liters per day.

The CRAF Police

The CRAF Police

According to Galician Leonardo, antidrug head of the police of Colombia, the guerrilla can pay to his troops the equivalent from $ 300 to $ 400 per month, whereas the professional soldiers in the Colombian army to do a little more than $ 200 to the month. " The drug traffic and the protection of the guerrilla have become main source of support financiero." The services that the CRAF for the narcotics traffickers realises, Go of Velde indicates, include " the protection, the contraband and the violence against the payment the government, to make money to continue its operations. Vacationland is often quoted as being for or against this. " It explains in addition: the operations of the CRAF with the drug trafficking often are coordinated to avoid the local and international application of the law of interdiction. Uber CEO describes an additional similar source. They work along with the dealers to advance more sophisticated systems of traffic and contraband to multiply the opportunities. In exchange for arms and financial support, the CRAF to protect clandestine related to drugs aerodromes, to notice of the imminence of the dealers of the police or the military activity and to protect the cocaine plantations and laboratories for the processing. The CRAF often carries out attacks in the name of the dealers, to attack the organizations and people involved in drug traffic. In December of 1998, when the government ordered the retirement of the army and the police of Switzerland a size refuge (talks about that the clearing or zone demilitarized (DMZ), to facilitate the dialogue with the CRAF, there were, officially, 6300 hectares seeded of cocaine in all the 42,000 square kilometers (16,000 miles square) and the demilitarized zone does not signal poppy. During the negotiations of peace, the Colombian authorities began to receive information of the entailment of some fronts of the CRAF with the handling of the illicit cultures and the transformation and basic commercialization of cocaine in the zone of distension. .

March Subject

March Subject

Uribe accepted to have penetrated in contiguous territory, requested excuses to Ecuador and promised that it would not return to do. All that was printing in a final resolution (to see Annex). The 6 of March a unanimous resolution in the OAS was approved that did not satisfy to Ecuador and Venezuela because it did not condemn the Colombian interference. The cause that this exclusively Latin American meeting has settled with subject has caused that many now raises to transform to the Group of River into a new Organization of American States Latin, the same that would fulfill a roll different then would only integrate to the region. This OELA would be different from the OAS then would not be the USA and Canada or the one of the Latin American Community then would not be Spain and Portugal.

After the declaration of Santo Domingo Managua and Caracas they restored relations. Chvez retired several of its cash of its western border and Uribe no longer will present/display its demand before international the penal court. Pending subjects Nevertheless, the subject of the CRAF, the hostages and Colombian internal La Paz are pending and the fact that Uribe has denounced to have found hard disks that they verify bows of the CRAF with Caracas and Quito, that the head of the CRAF entrevistaba with the Ecuadorian government or was received money of Venezuela. While Strap has said that it will propose a commission where the Ecuadorian opposition investigates those positions, Uribe will want to continue being worth of those discoveries stops to ruin international plans to finance the CRAF. For Bogota not only Caracas and Quito they finance the CRAF but Iran negotiates to give materials to make them arrive a radioactive pump. On the other hand, the lefts denounce that the USA and Israel did the operative one from within attacking the camping of the CRAF also penetrating of Ecuadorian territory or that the subject of hard disks sounds as false as the massive weapons tests of destruction that as much the intelligence services of London and Washington asserted that it had Baghdad before being invaded.

The Appearance

The Appearance

The assets are " buenos" , normally. They contribute to your wealth, and that is good, in principle. But the assets have some hidden secrets; for example, real estate can acquire major value with time (, the precious metals, the jewels, the art), but to turn in cash you require them two things: the senior advisory group (who do not cost an eye to you of the face) and time. If you are in a hurry by to turn assets into money in cash to face an unforeseen circumstance, is probable that you must sell it to reduced price. That can happen to him to much people who accumulate jewels like security for the future. If acquired in a house prestige jeweler when it wants to sell them, perhaps it must do it to discounted prices. Another characteristic of the assets is that they can be, (or to represent), liabilities in fact hidden. The classic example of Kiyosaki is the house room, your own house.

As you have bought probably it with your personal needs in mind, if you want to sell it is possible you must that it do with a discount. You have not chosen it in order to sell it more ahead, so it can be that it does not have the commercial value that you think. The car of the house is another example of assets that represent liabilities in fact. The taxes, the maintenance, the fuels and lubricants and depreciation do of car one " inversin" of doubtful yield. Clear that in the mind of the majority of the people images come from the appearance that you will give when they see you driving a great car, (in many societies the car is the best index of your social and economic level, so much people deliver financial attacks excessive to represent the best one, highest, possible level).

Ecuador Fiscal

Ecuador Fiscal

The government of Ecuador on the other hand, implemented a series of measures to restrict the external purchases in US$ 1,453 million elevating the tariffs and implementing import quotas. It is due to the fort deterioration waited for in the external accounts of the country that could have an impact in the real economy when being the dolarizada economy and depend on the currency generation to maintain the monetary supply. On the decision of Ecuador, the Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism of Colombia, Luis Guillermo Silver said: Ecuador also worries to me because it removed a resolution where it says that it, that is to say, has a problem of balance of payments that is not going to have money to pay its imports and that affects to all the countries . Perhaps check out Mike Wirth for more information. The problems in the external sector repel in the Colombian economy and produce fear in the population that prepares itself for difficult times. It is so the industrial production descended in Colombia a 13.3% in inter-annual terms in the month from November from 2008, whereas the retail sales decreased a 2.95%, according to finishes presenting in the present week. But besides the problems by the deceleration in the external demand and the fall in the internal demand (smaller investment and minor consumption), the Colombian economy will have to support to the deterioration of its fiscal accounts product of smaller income and the necessity to take ahead a greater fiscal cost to avoid the deepening of the economic deceleration brought about by the external crisis. In recent months, Roubini Global Economics has been very successful. At the moment in Colombia a new package is being elaborated anticrisis that mainly estimates a consistent erogacin of US$ 24,500 million in infrastructure investments. In this way it is tried to preserve the use and to generate new jobs. The goals of the consolidated fiscal deficit and the Central Government were extended to 1.8% of Producto Interno Bruto (PIB) and to a 3.2% of the GIP, respectively.

The Reading

The Reading

These findings have implications for the educational practice and the continuous evaluation that is needed to carry out during the first years of schooling. The pre-school ones arrive at the school afraid, uncertain, with problems that can be linguistic, social or physical and with expectations and saberes that when being with dynamic, creative and research professor and affectionate in the relation teacher-student he provides them with solid formative bases with a great aprestamiento of adaptation he will not have problems when being related to the others and therefore they will be seen fortified its weaknesses and it would develop competitions comunicativas that will be easy to him to be related to the others and to acquire a good one integral formation and good habits in the reading and writing. . Before the raised situation, I emphasize the exigency in this level of specialistic professionals preparations to recognize the special needs or delays in the development. To this it takes us point to another great responsibility of the scholastic supervision: the support to the professional formation of the professors.

The educational body it must update with the new pedagogical practices for the education of the reading and the writing. A problem common in the initial formation is the lack of preparation specialized in the Didactics of the lectoescritura. But preguntmonos That it must know a professional formed to support the process of learning of the initial lectoescritura? They say as it Snow, Burns and Griffin, (1998): The reading is a complex system to derive meaning from the printed word that it requires: motivation to read, knowledge of vocabulary, strategies to construct meaning and to include the text, abilities to read with fluidity, descodificar new words and to understand the relation between the phonemes, the sounds and the printed letter. The professor of initial reading must understand not only all the aspects of this definition, but also how to use this definition to evaluate the progress of the children and to fit his pedagogical practices to respond to the needs of his students.