UK Financial Times
Already an analysis published for the daily Financial Times British said that the block represents one quarteto definite for the differences, and that first multilateral group is about. Next meeting in the BrasilOs leader to the four countries had concluded its first cupola with the promise of a bigger cooperation in different areas and the announcement of that Brazil will host the next meeting to the group, in 2010.A second cupola, still without date, is reflected of an advance in the formalizao of the block. Meeting between ministers of of also integrant areas are foreseen still as Farm and of the central bankings. The final document leaves clearly also that the Bric, as group, supports the aspirations of India and Brazil to play a bigger role in the Organization of United Nations (ONU).FraquezA cupola of the Brics also confirmed the increasing concern of the emergent ones in translating its economic force in influence politics, launching itself as counterbalance to the positions of the seven richer countries. Amorim affirmed that president Lula revealed to the colleagues concern with the presumption esvaziamento of the G-20. More early, the minister> with the Foreign affairs of Russia, Sergey Lavrov, it disagrees with Amorim when saying that ‘ ‘ G-8 not morreu’ ‘ , that the cooperation is increasing and ‘ ‘ the G-5 will be an integral partner of the G-8’ ‘. But it demonstrated tunning on the lack of force of the emergent ones between the biggest economies.
FuturoAps to give the first rhetorical steps in Ecaterimburgo, the Bric now will try to institutionalize itself, with regular meeting. Brazil if offered to host the next cupola, that must occur in 2010, and already is foreseen meetings of the presidents of the central bankings and ministers of the Fazenda.Em the side politician, the new block already has at least a division, then of exit. Brazil and India demand permanent seats in an Advice of Security of the extended ONU, in what they are supported by Russia. But China rejects magnifying, for fearing the inclusion of its regional rival greater, Japan.