What Is Tax Free And How To Save For Overseas Shopping
Shopping abroad is enjoyable, beneficial, soothing, exciting, but the main thing – that he was economical. Read more from ECRI to gain a more clear picture of the situation. It does not matter whether the traveler is going to be run between the business of shopping or want to specifically go to Europe sales periods, when crossing the border could return to her fifth of the cost of purchases. What is important is the total amount of the check. If it is lower than required, tax free will not. Of course, if lacking in just a few euros for a coat you can buy cute inexpensive scarf – often the cost is fully offset by tax rebates. But the purchase of a pack of cigarettes or a box of fine cigars will not help – in most countries, vat on tobacco products, products, books, leaves the state itself.
Minimum, the required amount for each country its own. For example, in Germany is enough to make a purchase of $ 25 euros, and in neighboring France – no less than 175 euros. Percentage who will return foreigner, too, in every state is different. Usually it is a little less VAT: take a couple of percent for the services of Global Refund or Premier Tax Free – one of the companies leading the service. Specific figures and all the details for any of the countries can be found at sites of these organizations: globalrefund.com and premiertaxfree.com. Go off in just bought a blouse "haute couture" can not be – before crossing the border goods can not be used, things must be unworn with all labels and seals.