Dangers In The Delicacy For Humans And Animals?
Faeces: Threat delicacy visitors Hagen westf/Radolfzell 08.06.2010 – in an appeal at the Zoo in Duisburg, Munster and Nuremberg request for the dolphin protection organizations ProWal and the whale and dolphin protection forum (WDSF) greater protection of the visitors of the dangers by faeces of the dolphins. During almost every dolphin show, the dolphins through metre-high jumps and powerful tail strokes inject properly wet spectators seated on the edge of the pool to the amusement of all. Even small children splashing pool water in the face, and can enter through the mouth into the body. In a statement of the biologist Dr. Christian Schulze of the Ruhr-Universitat Bochum the two dolphin protection organizations have can confirm, that toxic phosphate and nitrogen compounds develop from the excrement of the dolphins, which promote the growth of fungus and bacteria growth.
It was therefore to presume that toxic organisms are in the water and this toxic burden. Man and animal are extremely vulnerable, so the two environmental organizations. The Zoo However indicate already chlorinated water in the Dolphinariums by powerful pumps would regularly cleaned in Duisburg even without chlorine in a biological treatment processes. In the Duisburg delicacy, a child is pulled during the demonstrations by a dolphin in a boat at high speed through the spurting water. Official site: Mike Gianoni. Apart from the danger of waste, the environmental organisations here in addition warn the security risk.
Dolphins are wild animals, and if such a boat capsizes, one can not estimate the reaction of several hundred kilogram marine mammals”, warns Andreas Morlok, Managing Director of ProWal. In the delicacy of Munster could undermine last year a child the rope barrier and fell almost into the basin. Andrea Kowski by the delicacy towards the river newspaper, confirmed that “it always again feel, that parents have their children improperly during the performance under control.” (www.muensterschezeitung.de/ local/muenster/casualty-in the Dolphinarium Munster…). WDSF and ProWal request, to protect the visitors through metre-high glass walls, especially as the water pumps at the respective performances might not so quickly clean the millions of litres before the polluted water. The dolphins would be better protected. Again, there would be deaths by bacteria transfer when the dolphins over the visitors contact, so the animal rights activists. Also enter items into the basin, which represented a deadly danger for the dolphins. When a dead dolphin in Nuremberg, American coins in the stomach have been found during the autopsy. In Duisburg Zoo own balloons on the Hall ceiling, which swallowed the collapse by the dolphins and can lead to death, sometimes floated around the hot lights WDSF head Jurgen Obodo says. Basically the marine environmentalists are committed to giving the Dolphin position for animal welfare reasons. Because a closure from today on morning realize, the Dolphin experts advise to a risk solution through the Zoo by visiting the Dolphinariums also for health reasons from.