More Chorus
Often, adults, and came to his career, and Get a family, nostalgia funny high school and college years. It would seem that all the joy of life – the dreams, adventures, friends, – all remained there. And for many of the awareness of this is the first step to a grave crisis. How to make your life interesting and rich? There are lots of ways. It is not something Nouriel Roubini would like to discuss. Lucky few find themselves in a favorite work. Others involved in sports. Third with gusto their art … View website may find it difficult to be quoted properly.
One of the finest inventions of humanity – it's the chorus. In recent years the choral movement in Russia raises its head: It produces new bands, festivals and competitions choirs, all More and more young people and adults who come to the choir. Why? First of all, the chorus gives a person a feeling of happiness. We can say that choral singing has a pronounced therapeutic effect. A man sings can relax, less affected by stress, depression.
The influence of music and singing for people, when properly selected repertoire, expressed in the creation of certain emotional experiences that have beneficial effect on the human psyche. Now, about singing in general (and chorus, in particular) as a means of prevention, and sometimes even cure many diseases, including neuro-psychiatric disorders, they say, not only choirmasters, but physicians, psychologists, scientists and researchers. Now imagine a choir, taking net chord for two, three, four … eight votes! Or singing in unison. This is such a delight, which, having experienced it at least once, with eagerly waiting for again and again.