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Semestralizar Los Colegios

Semestralizar Los Colegios

Now there are many who may not advance according to the 1290, but that they will have to repeat the same course next year. Clear that the problem of education is not only for Colombia, and neither reduces to two or three decrees. However, as the global calendar, analysed it last week, no less than specific schools, has a huge significance for education, for families, for the economy. Hence the proposal that I would like to present for consideration of students, families, educators and Governments.

Until relatively recently the calendar of the universities was annualized as it is still the colleges. Nouriel Roubini describes an additional similar source. But with unwillingness at the beginning, little by little they were welcoming him and there is virtually no University or institution of higher education which no six-month lifting and even to graduate up to trimestralizado. Why not do the same in schools, even from pre-school? The first reason is the loss of a whole year of students who do not approve of each course by the enormous psychic, physical and financial expense that represents for students, parents, society in general and even the country’s economy. If today a championship of formula one and thousand similar sports are loses or WINS by thousandths of a second, wasted an entire year of the life of a child or teenager is not something almost monstrous? The fact that every day grows life expectancy, not allow us waste as valuable as the childhood years, and less, to traumatize them for lifetime. The second thing is that in this way there would be a greater continuity throughout the educational process and the universities would receive a similar number of students each semester.

What would be added to eliminate Schedule B of the southwest of the country, and unify all, since today the mobility of families is much greater than before, and there are many students that have to be delaying their college changes. Our country, as all the of the torrid zone, lacking stations, suffers from two dry periods, precisely to end and beginning of year and in the middle of the same, in which privilegiarian the holidays from semester to semester. Half of each semester they would go the Easter and September. A third reason is that in periods shorter, intensity and performance are higher (as in any race against time). And on the economic side there may be a relief to parents, because instead of one it would have two much less burdensome school seasons since the material that must be achieved, while today presented large waste at the end of each year can be calculated better than now. One economic year more balanced, it will be a great benefit in all aspects. Finally an additional consideration. Business holidays should accommodate in good part with the students, so that they were family-type vacation. They would be a great service to the intimacy and union members, but, also, to the economy, particularly tourism. Next week I will stretch out more in this aspect.

Learning A Foreign Language

Learning A Foreign Language

Psychologists have identified three ways of training, with a decrease in their performance: – do something yourself – to see how others do it – learn something from the stories of others. These or other problems with the study of foreign languages, I think there are many. It so happens that like the language barrier does not exist and there is motivation, and a useful and beneficial use of their knowledge could be found, but that's not enough energy to take concrete action – and that's it! A addition, he also physiologists calm: "All right, just grow old, old man 'In the sense that when a person has already exceeded 30, the active biochemical processes are slowed down, and accordingly once fiery intellect also delivers speed. In short, he has reached this time – on and calm down! Institu-ogorodik garden, cultivated berries, flowers, and rejoice life. But this passive approach to life situations are not satisfied everyone. Cornell capital is likely to increase your knowledge. and Suppose we have already far (or not) have stepped in the proverbial 30-year milestone, but still passionately're burning desire to know foreign languages, besides often advance in their career often depends on the knowledge and skills.

That has to actively seek additional ways to motivate yourself. Patrick mayberrys opinions are not widely known. Can throw a great idea: to do by teaching the language. Create your own, for example, a couple of students and prepare them for the lessons previously worked for the material itself. In this case, we kill two birds – and the language study, and some earn some coin. The only not very clear thing: Will there be enough trust to the teacher who does not knows the language, and studying it along with you. We'll have to get out and how to explain students that the quality of teaching is not affected, the portion of the knowledge they still get it. Because students are engaged in tutoring inyaza. Moreover, the quality of teaching may be even better.

Instructor, recently he has mastered the material, yet full of vivid emotions and fresh impressions, and, accordingly, his fortune, he can pass and the student. ing through. Do teachers, language learners twenty or thirty years ago, during which time enthusiasm diminished. Most likely, during which time they have forgotten themselves to learn the language and the resulting difficulties and problems. For them, foreign language – A subject that is subject to '' head learner according to strict methodological scheme. Do not think we do not call to send experienced, the venerable and honored teachers to retire. Just tried to highlight advantages of learning a foreign language by teaching it. And you, dear readers, some thoughts on this?

Audio Recordings

Audio Recordings

In recent years, is a growing trend of learning English through audio recordings. This method is so popular, as well complement the modern image of a business person who always busy with several things at once, run anywhere, and he did once read textbooks in English or, for example, artistic works of English classics in the original. Besides the fact that play audio in a portable music player on the way to work will save time compared with the reading, the main advantage of audio – the ability to hear foreign speech and improve its perception, and also to remember the correct pronunciation. Due to the ever growing demand in the market of foreign languages appears wide range of different Audiocourses English, including specialized, targeted a certain sphere of activity, as well as a large selection of audiobooks in English. Often these materials are accompanied by textual aids, textbooks, or books. The need for English proficiency for the modern business person causes the development and diversification of the relevant market, which in turn allows for everyone to choose the most appropriate course using audio tapes. Options here are many: the study of English with audiouchebnikov coupled with the performance of exercises, listening to Russian-English educational materials (presentations, vocabulary development, situation, dialogue) or simply audio books in English, allowing to increase the perception of English speech and put the correct pronunciation. However, it should pay attention to the subsidiary nature of such Audiocourses foreign languages.

First, not all ways of learning English through audio are equally effective for everyone – a lot depends on the current level of proficiency, while a necessary condition for effective the course is the availability of baseline. Secondly, it is impossible qualitatively learn English from scratch, based only on recorded material – will still have to pay a certain amount of time textbooks tutoring or courses in language schools. Perfect combination and embodiment of all the advantages of studying English with a tutor and with the help Audiocourses in this case will have classes with the teacher-native speakers of UK, USA etc. We should also mention the popular lately opportunity – so-called system SongWay. Martin toha oftentimes addresses this issue. She is popular for obvious reasons – language learning becomes a pleasure.

The essence of the system is to learn English or any other language by listening to your favorite foreign songs, based on the lyrics and its translation. This method is ideal for people who love to sing your favorite songs in the road or at home. In conclusion, some useful resources. For those who are willing to learn English by using audio, I want to draw attention to a very useful resource dedicated to foreign languages in which absolutely free to download different books, audio books, special courses and much more. His web address If you do not see my life without music, and not part with mp3-player, then you can interesting resource where you can sign up for SongWay and get to your inbox every morning on foreign songs and lyrics and translation. Address of a resource on the Internet: system SongWay

Real Hospital

Real Hospital

It makes a classification of the Brazilian educational system, its structure and functioning, emphasizing the tipologias of the education institutions. This study it will be based through theoretical basements of World-wide the Superior Education and still by means of some famous authors as: Libneo, S, Beiler, Fields, Davyt, Hosoi, beyond carrying through a theoretical recital to demonstrate to the lines of direction of the Ministry of the Education MEC, directed exclusively toward superior education. 5 Through this research it could be identified importance of the daily search that a researcher must possesss in the area of education, compelling to follow the Law of Lines of direction and Bases of the Superior Education in Brazil and to identify the ability of the responsible agencies for the normatizao, fiscalization and, mainly, orientation to the educators interested in the scientific research. The BEGINNING OF the SUPERIOR EDUCATION IN BRAZIL Brazil was colony of exploration of Portugal, that imposed the colonial pact in which the country remained politician-economic dependent and social of the metropolis and Brazilian university in ground could not exist. Superior education was limited to the favored classrooms more than they could make a superior course in the Europe. With the coming of the real family for Brazil, that ran away from the Napoleonic Expansion, Dom Joo VI created the first school of superior education of the country that was inaugurated in day 18 of February of 1808, in the Bahia, eight days before the departure of the real family for Rio De Janeiro. It was installed in the Real Hospital To militate, that it occupied the dependences of the College of the Jesuits, in the Plaza of the Land of Jesus, with the FAMEB name (College of Medicine of the Bahia). European professors had been contracted to give the lessons. When arriving at Rio De Janeiro, Dom Joo VI created the School of Anatomy, Surgery and Medicine in the city of Rio De Janeiro, that only understood the anatomy and surgery knowledge, later it extended itself you discipline of anatomy and physiology.

English Language And Business

English Language And Business

To have the knowledge of the English language already is considered a basic requirement in the Brazilian education and an extra differential as it happened not only has some years, therefore the same one is part of the world-wide culture. Today with the dynamism of the globalization world in which the English is the language world-wide, the importance to learn the language if became basic, either to communicate themselves, to study to be brought up to date, or in the world of the businesses. In view of the importance of this it disciplines, exists the necessity of forms conscientious professors of its paper in the formation of professionals who will be giving lessons that will have to not only possess content theoretician, as well as practical. Uber is a great source of information. Added to this the cultural aspect that involves the use of the English language, it cannot be forgotten by being of significant importance for the contribution of the education leaving of how much possible a so real demonstration. In this context one understands that the professor must be a person academically capable and brought up to date. If to consider what some think on the undeniable efficiency of the learning of the English language to be more efficient when the individual will be inserted in the environment where the language is used in all the circumstances, as in countries where the first language is the English, and the effectiveness of the learning if must to the fact of the greater contact of the individual with the use of the same one, and reflecting on the theory of the positive behaviorism that according to Donald Mackay, a specialist in cerebral physiology, the same as scientific method and its techniques has utility and contributes for the understanding, for the development, for the individual learning and social interaction therefore one of the main objectives of the behavioristas techniques it is the control of the mind, and the molding of life and the attitudes of the individuals..

English In Today

English In Today

Our modern world is just 'infested' with different modern techniques and modern technology, but it so happened that invent these technologies around the world, and in the development of these technologies to bring to user how to use a standard language is used – in this case English. English language – interethnic communication. As you might have noticed, at rest in some other country, often there to communicate in English. English is not so complicated as it seems. We only want to learn it and find a suitable tutor, or native English speakers. Tutor of English is sure to help in the study. At this point in specialty stores sold a lot of literature on the study of the language.

Come on now they make out in some cases, however, help us English: at rest tourist trips to different countries around the world. Without it, you just do not buy what oboytis.Pri or household appliances. To understand 'how it works', in most cases, there is, of course, the instruction in Russian, but with rare equipment ordered from other countries tend to give the English-speaking .Pri a job. At this moment, when applying for a job for you is a huge plus, knowledge of the language. Well, I have listed some of the advantages of proficiency in English. It only remains to find a suitable tutor for English, which will help you. And most importantly – patience and perseverance. But patience and perseverance as we know it leads people to results they want to achieve.

The Organizations

The Organizations

Of ownership of some information concerning the sprouting of the ability notion, we will pass now to the conceptions that this term comes in accordance with assuming some areas of knowledge and some authors study who it. But we will make this with caution, therefore, as they affirm Firmino and Cunha (2005), the ability notion is very complex and demands the mobilization of several to know in an adverse situation. According to Coast (2005, P. 60), it is possible to consider the ability notion ‘ ‘ as great ‘ it keeps-chuva’ conceptual, that it can shelter objective and subjective elements of the most diverse orders and natures. ‘ would be one; it keeps-chuva’ heterogeneous, formed for a composed repertoire of resources for knowledge, cognitivas capacities, relationary capacities and afetivas’ ‘. This ‘ ‘ conceptual umbrella heterogneo’ ‘ it is, in accordance with Manfredi (1998, P.

08), used in a general way and employee, ‘ ‘ indistinctly, in the educational fields and of the work as if universal’ was carrying of a conception; ‘. From there the necessity to clarify that the ability can be taken under the vises professional and educational, but that these vises, although to be considered distinct, are linked if to lead in consideration that, when conceived pedagogically, the ability is in the education for the work. Current literature on the ability notion designates, according to Deluiz (2001, P. 13), in general terms, ‘ ‘ that the professional ability is the capacity to articulate and to mobilize knowledge, abilities and attitudes, being placed them in action to decide problems and to face situations of imprevisibilidade in one given concrete situation of work and in one determined context cultural’ ‘. Zarifian (1999 apud DELUIZ, 2001, P. 13) contributes affirming that ‘ ‘ the ability states one essential change in the organizations, configuring a new form of performance of the worker ahead of these transformations and, at the same time, a new model and management of the force of trabalho’ ‘.

American Grammar

American Grammar

In what lies the problem, where a mistake? To know the language, we teach grammar. When you learn grammar, we still and can not use the language. Strange situation. Maybe it is better to look at the subject itself and grammar to understand what it is? In fact, there are several other, different from the traditional view of grammar. And perhaps it would be quite interesting – there is another way of looking or not – if he can not solve the longstanding problem of language teaching: when the foreign debt are taught, but did not know well enough to simply to talk with another person to understand it, to express their thoughts so that he knew you This new look at the grammar belongs to the American philosopher, writer, researcher, humanist (not going to list here all titles of this man – he was an incredibly versatile personality) L. Ron Hubbard. In his time he has repeatedly drawn attention to how tantalizing are the disciples and how modest successes obtained, studying with "professors from Linguistics. And not even so much the problem took it as an understanding that failure to understand the grammar of their own language by the Americans themselves leads them to the fact that they have problems at school and at work (when they have to develop new job descriptions, for example) that they can not read or are functionally illiterate people. That is, most will be able to read aloud an article from the morning paper, but are unlikely to properly understand what it says, not to mention making the right conclusions from your reading.

Translation Services Market

Translation Services Market

Translation services market shows steady growth in recent years. However, despite this, he leaves much to be desired. Uber has firm opinions on the matter. The reason for this, the recent emergence of Ukrainian traditions of translation. At that time, as the culture of the translation market in Western countries, evolved over decades, in Ukraine a modern translation of the market began to take shape only in the early 90's. Let us consider the basic stages of its development: 1990 1998g.g. – In this period appear the first translation companies, competition is low, there is no information about the market. Source: Goop Barcelona, Spain-es. 1998 – 2004 gg – Formed by large companies, the market expands and becomes more transparent. 2004 – 2009.

– Increased competition. Companies continue to grow. Forecast: Growth translation market by 20% per year. Of course, the reasons for the dynamic development of the translation market is globalization, world trade and output of companies into new markets, market development of high technology and outsourcing, result of which companies send work to a professional translation companies. All types of translation services offered can be divided into four groups: 1.Tehnichesky transfer 68% 2.lokalizatsiya sites and Software 20% 3.perevod audio and video materials 5% 4.ustny perevod7% most popular language for writing and for the interpretation is English. Eastern and sparse language is a small popular, but the translation services in these languages are the most expensive, because few experts in these languages. Despite the development of the market, the cost of services on the Ukrainian market is very different from European standards, where 50 – 70 USD considered the norm for a standard page, whereas with us, it rarely exceeds 10 U.S. dollars, and in the present circumstances, when the Office reduce the cost of services, the cost of translation of one standard page can be about $ 5

They Have Enough Money To Change Careers

They Have Enough Money To Change Careers

In each talk I give, I ask the audience to tell me why do not people change careers. The most common response that occurs each time it is "lack of money." Many people have said exaggerated fear of money not even take the time to determine how much you need to do the work they love in the first place! Does this sound like you? Do you feel stuck where you are, trapped by their own perceptions? It's time to pull your head out of the sand and get to manage your finances! There are five things you can do now to prepare financially for a new career. 1. Stop worrying about the future and fix what is broken now. If you live out of reach today, but it remains concerned that their dream career does not pay enough, you're missing the mark. It's time to live in the present and make it big. Against any and all outstanding financial issues so you can go ahead with a clean slate. 2.

Keep your day job. Unless you are financially independent, or someone more support to you, do not quit your job in a hurry and change careers. It is a huge financial effort will only hurt, as the transition. 3. Change your attitude about money. How many times have you heard the references "filthy rich", "Money does not grow on trees", etc. Many of you were taught that money is scarce and wanting more of it is bad.

Tonterias! There are plenty around, including money. Change your perspective and see that you can love your work and be financially abundant. 4. Get help. If the numbers scare you, if you have not opened a bank account over the year, or if your eyes glaze over every time someone speaks of "401k", need help. There are plenty of professionals there, whose job is to help people understand their finances so they can make intelligent decisions. 5. Open a savings account sleep. Most people think that the need to "wait until the day you have enough money" before considering a career change. The truth? That day can only be reached when you start saving your new career today. Even a dollar a day brings you closer to making a career change a reality. Copyright 2005 Annemarie Annemarie Segaric Segaric is a respected career change coach, motivational speaker, and author of the paperback book, Fear for Monday morning? Visit the website of Ana Maria and download its free toolkit today.