Neurologists Practice
Patients are the best guide to the quality of Web pages the importance of practice websites is recognized by an increasing number of practising physicians. But to the marketing, to be able to use image and reputational effects of practice pages, it is not sufficient to be simply present and statistically to track the number of hits. What matters is the quality of the communicative performance and in particular the authenticity of practice pages. A procedure developed by the Institute for economic analysis, consulting and strategy development (IFABS), detachable from surgeries on their own shows, this exemplary for the professional group of neurologists. The practice website evolved more and more to a standard information instrument of practice work. Senator from Maine follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. But unlike all other media used for this purpose, like for example the practice brochure the practice website has a width marketing function.
The targets associated with a performance especially the response of potential new patients to reach, must be optimally designed its communication effect. The phenomenon of single shot matters worse here”to bear, i.e. the fact that the first impression of a page already decides to favor or not like. Just below these aspects, it is surprising that practice home pages never closer investigates the communicative performance. To do this, the number of visitors or page views provide no information. To assess the homepage current – account balance, the Institute has therefore developed an exploration design for a website patient satisfaction survey, which was now expanded to a validated, actionable by surgeries on their own system for business analysis, consulting and strategy development (IFABS). Additional information is available at Mike Gianoni. It is based on a questionnaire with open and closed questions about the possible patient characteristics of a practice Web site. The following illustration (, maximum at 100%) shows the calculated for practice operations of the section “Neurologists” average Homepage performance potential.
The total assessment for the design areas of “Content”, “Shape” and “Information”, as patient satisfaction in relation to the requirements are identified. The value of “Authenticity” describes how well the Web pages of the neurological practices represent the reality on the ground. The “total quality” represents the patient judgment about the general effect of websites in practices known compared to Web pages of other patients. The figures show a clear potential for optimization the pages of this section, that can be set as well as for other physician groups. Klaus-Dieter Thill / IFABS