Sascha Model
In his model Advisor “top model” of the Munich model agent makes Sascha Babel for the first time take a look behind the scenes of the model business. Already in the morning going to the kiosk, shine on us numerous, colorful magazine cover with toothpaste smile or trained through body contrary to. In the evening television, model casting shows in search of running after the next top model and reports about the glamorous runways of the world. To be aufgehubscht the desire even of many make up artists and to appear in famous campaigns is rising. Become a model”has become the dream job of a number of young girls. But how Cara Delevigne, Kate Moss or bar Refaeli arrived at such fame and success? How does it stand out from the crowd and start out as international top model? Now it is one answer to all these questions. Sascha Babel, by the modeling agency viviennemodels Munich, published as his model Advisor top model first model agent”.
Here he reveals exclusive tips and tricks, to in the model business to the To reach success and his dream become a model”to carry out. How much earn as a model? Quickly to get to wealth? Sascha Babel white, remains the rapid success in modelling, as well as the quick, big money mostly from. At the beginning of a career salaries with which you can pay just the model apartment prices are normal. You visited model castings per day 6-8 and is rarely posted. Here, patience plays an important role. A photographer to his muse, or a designer makes you the breakthrough is not his new face.
Sascha Babel is the girls who are model want to here with help and advice and gives valuable tips how you can advance his career. For the first time, chatting a German model agent under the covers and reveals what is happening behind the scenes of a modeling agency. Sascha Babel, omits the wealth of his experience will benefit and gives an insight into the everyday life of a model. Viviennemodels in addition to Louisa models in the modeling agency, is one of the most famous Munich model agencies, he represents top models such as Ana Hickman or Andi Muise. In addition, Sascha sits Babel at the largest model castings CMTC in Canada and IMTA in New York City in the jury. Babel explained for girls who want to become model as the perfect snapshot for the application is created or the right outfit for the next casting call model looks. Under his guidance have some models succeeded in the career ladder upward, so the readers of his advisors will do it.