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Tag: administration and businesses

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Industrialized Products

Industrialized Products

The Micron and Small companies who to make the option and if to fit in Simple the Federal one will effect the payment monthly and unified of the following taxes and federal contributions: ) Income tax of Legal People – IRPJ; b) Contribution for the Programs of Social Integration and Formation of the Patrimony of Public Server – PIS/PASEP; c) Social contribution on Net profits – CSLL; d) Contribution for Financing of Social security – COFINS; e) Tax on Industrialized Products – IPI; f) Contributions of Social security, had for the legal people, that is, only the INSS due for the companies and not it deducted INSS of the employees (that they must be collected normally). Law 9317/96 elencou, in its art. 9, a series of activities whose companies to develop who them could not be favored by the SIMPLE ones. Thus, they will not be able to opt to this system companies who in the previous year have had a superior gross revenue to the limit settled for the law; the anonymous societies; the company who has participation of public identity; the legal entity with headquarters in the exterior; the company who will have as partner legal entity; the company who to participate in the capital of another legal entity; the company whose bearer or partner participates more than with 10% of the capital of another legal entity; the companies who have resident foreign partner in the exterior; the companies who exert real estate activities of financial institutions, activities, location or administration of property, storage and deposit of products of third, propaganda and advertising, factoring, rendering of services of monitoring, cleanness, conservation and location of workmanship hand, professional rendering of services and related industrialization and activities the drinks and cigarettes; companies who will have enrolled debit in Active Debt of the Union or the National Institute of the Social Insurance or to the General Office of the attorney general of the National Farm, or whose bearer or partner with more than 10% of the capital stock is enrolled in Active Debt, company whose partner acquires good or carries through expenses of incompatible values with the incomes for it declared; resultant company of split or another form of desmembramento.3.

Enterprise Resource Planning

Enterprise Resource Planning

It is pertinent to consider the importance of the new technologies of codification, with prominence for the System Informatizado de Gerencialmente? Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), the System of Identification – ID, that guarantees the collection and, over all, the consistency and trustworthiness of the concernentes information to the logistic one (RIBEIRO, 2010, P. 321). The use of these technologies potencializa the rationalization of the decisions, minimizing the risks and consequentemente extending the knowledge of the organizacional reality. Crown Financial may not feel the same. 1.FUNDAMENTAO THEORETICIAN Days (2010), Viana (2010) and Coast, understands the processes of classification, codification and description, as necessary processes to an efficient administration of supplies. Classification mentions the way to it by which the resources are grouped aiming at to take care of certain requirements proceeding from the market in which they will be commercialized or acquired? in the case of raw materials -; whereas the codification consists of elements and ways by which the classification will be effected; had to this agreement, some authors (Days) understand the codification as a subgenus of the classification, or either, the codification is one of the used mechanisms so that if it executes an adequate classification. In regards to description, the agreement (Viana) is of that for a convenient storage of the materials, it is necessary to use methods and specific languages that the identification of the products in function of the frequency facilitates with that they are requested. 1,1 Administration of Materials the Administration of Materials is a synthesis of two concepts: Administration and materials.

To manage consists of acting in definitive environment, with the purpose to converge certain form of configuration of the same with specific objectives determined previously. The accepted and conventionally had periods of training as essential stages so that if the Administration practises Are: the planning, the organization, the control and the direction (WELSCH, 2007, P. 29). The meaning restricted of these terms in accordance with varies the especificidades of the diverse developed theoretical models until today.

English Logistic

English Logistic

The obstacle of this executive is to prevent the vision limited in relation to the mental model that which if he is imprisoned, normally inadequate for the functional orientation. The high administration of the logistic one has as function the coordination for processes, with an ample vision of one all. The authors suggest that the activities of the professionals of logistic are complex, full of challenges, require position, because it is responsible it for all the process of the logistic International inside of the company. This is not, therefore, a simple process, therefore, when it is saying yourself of other countries, she is necessary to consider other laws, culture, form of work, currency. Being thus, of the executive an ample knowledge in diverse subjects is required, as cited previously, the knowledge of the English language eliminates the differences among others countries and cultures, in way that the communication happens of natural form.

The professional of the logistic International, as any another one, needs abilities to play the required activities. In this direction, Zafirian (2001) defines the expression ' ' ability profissional' ' as a combination of knowledge of the area, know-making, the experiences and the behaviors exerted in the definitive context. Already It hisses (2004, p.1) defines the ability as ' ' knowledge of the language, that is, of its structures and rules, as well as of the performance in the real use of the language in concrete situations, a marcadamente similar construction, without any concern with the social function of lngua' '. Following the same line, Schermerhorn, Hunt and Osborn (1999) they believe that the ability is a capacity technique based on the accomplishment of definitive tasks. Such ability if of the one with knowledge, specialization gotten by means of the education or of the experience. These capacities involve knowledge in the use of specific methods, processes and too much procedures, to carry through the definitive works.

PND Technological

PND Technological

The Statute of the Land, established for the law n.4.504 of 30 of November of 2004, was defined in the president’s message directed that it to the National Congress as a law of ' ' Rural&#039 development; '. The objective of the agrarian reform was as sources of tension in the field, having as ideal model of property ' ' company rural' ' (even though the familiar one). Although this statute has created the institucional conditions that gradual extinguishing of minifndios and large states, considered made possible the dispossession for social interest as way to eliminate the conflicts in the field, with the rearrangement politician who if followed to the blow the agrarian reform, was side ece of fish, for a model established in a support, with the technological modernization of great properties, with tax incentives and satiated and cheap credit (THIN 1985) In 1971, the precarious extension of the previdencirios rights to the agricultural workers was approved for Prorural-Funrural. The main newness in the period was the creation of the Brazilian company of Farming Research (Embrapa) in 1972, destined to carry through research for technology generation. However the technological politics had its limited reach, therefore he was subordinated the quantitativista and imediatista conception that if imposed the modernization conservative. In 1974, then after the ownership of president Ernesto Geisel, was edited II the PND (1975-1979), that in virtue of the deep occured alterations in the international scene (crisis of the oil) and in the national productive structure (exhaustion of the miracle), in very it differs the previous plan, is transferred to demand it much more of the farming sector, being reserved agriculture and cattle a new paper the development strategy. In way to the fight against the military regimen and for the democratization it country, one more time emerged the situation of exclusion of benesses of the development which were submitted, of sufficiently diversified form, the agricultural workers.



21 of January of 2011, Aracaj, capital of the State of Sergipe, 20:05 h. The family was congregated, in the ample room to be, a beautiful house of the Street Acrsio professor Cross, few you after square the Square of the Press, in direction to the Street Francisco Port, to decide where they would go to pass the holiday of Tiradentes and Sixth Fair Saint. They had determined that they would pass in the south of Brazil. Rio Grande Do Sul with Cinnamon and Lawn, Santa Catarina with Florianpolis and Blumenau and Paran with Estuary of the Iguau and Curitiba. The son with its notebook searched the possible differences, that would make with that the family if decided for this or that state. The parents voted for the state gaucho, inasmuch as the two children, of 24 and 22 years they opted to Santa Catarina, the youngest son, with its 15 years vote looser, opted to the State of the Araucrias.

Although all & ldquo; imbroglio& rdquo; that this caused, the son had one & ldquo; letter in the sleeve of colete& rdquo;. Anniversary its 16 would be day 24 of April and it, manhosamente & ldquo; sugeriu& rdquo; that much would appreciate the trip to the Paran, as present of anniversary. The parents, to one to look at abetter, had agreed to taking care of the desire of the youngest child. The two youngsters, emburraram but also they had accepted to presentear irmzinha with the trip to the Paran. This determined one, had started to prepare the script, where, each one was responsible for a part of the planning. Aerial tickets, rent of car with the parents.

Places of visitation with the children. Places of lodging with the youngest son. Hands to the workmanship so that nothing it left wrong. Two weeks later, already had made & ldquo; esqueleto& rdquo; of the programming.



Bovinocultura of cut in Roraima Roraima possesss 225 a thousand km of territorial area, of which 17% (four million hectares) are constituted by the savannah ecosystem. Some authors consider this environment as open pasture, general fields of the known Rio Branco or local as region of the cultivated one. The savannahs of Roraima the same occupy an area to the northeast of the state, being extension of bioma that it is extended for the Guyana, Suriname Venezuela (Barbosa et al., 2007). The vegetation of savannahs in Roraima is composed mainly for different fitofisionomias formed by not forest vegetation (Miranda et al., 2002), that is, has great predominance of natural or native pastures. Per some years, the region of the cultivated one of Roraima was covered for Portuguese come for the Black river (Amazon), for deriving Spaniard of Venezuela and dutches and English of the Guyana. As alternative definitively to mark the domain for these lands, the Portuguese had raised, in 1775, the fort of Are Joaquin in the confluences between the rivers Uraricoera Tacutu, formadores of the Rio Branco. If until that occasion the High Rio Branco not possua no economic activity, in 1787, then the governor of the Province of the Black River, Manoel colonel of Gamma Wolf D? Almada, defended the occupation of the extensive areas of the general fields of the Rio Branco, with the cattle one as form to justify the Portuguese presence in the region, fact this that came to occur in 1789, when the proper governor brought the first heads of bovines, proceeding from Tef, in Amazon. The animals, about 17 reses, had been brought in great canoes, for the Farms of the King (reference to the King of Portugal), called of Are Marcos, Are Bento and Are Jose (Freitas, 1996). Passed 131 years, cattle constitua in the main economic activity of the region, in 1920, they existed about 300 a thousand heads of bovines in the cultivated ones of Roraima.