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Tag: government and politics

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South America

South America

Estocolmo, Sweden Forgive there, high gentlemen and blond but in Portugal we do not go here to swallow this. stops already nor we go to raise great waves; they are worried first about the Spanish members of the house of representatives who already walk to lead in the whirlwind and with ' ' festa' ' that already it elapses almost has one year in the streets of Atenas. This small people, who resisted the Romans, promptly reconquered the land to the Arabs and with them if he mixed, that he did not give hypotheses to the giant Castile, that barred the entrance to the troops of Napoleo while caravelas exguas crossed all the extension of the known sea and for knowing, that it all controlled during decades the commerce in the Indian Ocean at the same time that was embrenhou in the confines of the Amaznia for circumscribing the borders of the greater country of the South America. It is to this heroic people and with rare historical parchments that want to impose the social and economic Norwegian or exactly British model? Countries that are independent have mseros years or that, using to advantage itself of our loyalty recurrently they apunhalam in them for the coasts? Still for more when we know that all the studies that had been made on the happiness index human being (to the exception of the sponsored one for the magazine of Forbes high-finance) places the countries poor in the places of the front and the only developed countries that also reach good classifications are the Scandinavians, even so weigh the highest tax of suicides and crnica alcoolemia. Therefore, if the activity and the work will be pautados by the adjusted rhythm, the mediterrnicos peoples with its creativity, capacity of improvisation and contemplation reaches excellency platforms, as any book of History can prove. It is height to restrain this bad shape stops with malta of the south of the Europe and perhaps together let us can all look solutions that safeguard our legacy and that they make of the deep one of the well where in them we find a solid base for a common and prosperous future for that of us they descend..

Fiscal Responsibility

Fiscal Responsibility

Now it does not lack more nothing. It is sad to evidence that requested mounts of money of the budget for members of the house of representatives and senators for its regions or states are used as instruments of pressure so that the government approves or rejects provisional remedy, laws and emendations constitutional, as its interests and concepts of truth and justice truth and justice of who and for who? In contrast of what the governments demonstrate with its pierced arguments to preserve the budget in consideration to the Law of Fiscal Responsibility, the maneuvers are purely interesseiras, birrentas and irresponsible in relation to the true logic of the public administration who would have to be worried in managing resources proceeding from the CITIZENS for the PROPER CITIZENS. To attend to this pathetic representation of the senators and members of the house of representatives who apiam the government singing victory for being conquering majority in the votings controversies, nothing more is of what reviver discreter, however not less scoffing, of the dance of member of the house of representatives ngela Guadagnin after the absolution of the member of the house of representatives Joo Magno (PT-MG) in March of 2006. the shouts of the opponents of the government do not sensetize me because they are only playing the opposition role and alone we will prove the sincerity of these shouts in the day where also they will be government. It is not treated to desire that politicians are not politicians, but of that they are MEN and WOMEN; HUMAN BEINGS above all. However that is to ask for excessively, therefore, to be politician is not more to represent voters or its regions, but to represent papers in the theater of the politics. The politicians had turned actors, of simplest palhaada of the circuses to the fine dramaturgia of Victor Hugo in ' ' Miserveis' '.

This does not go to last much time daqui little they will be representing alone for they themselves and will be only waiting to finish 26 act of this comedy that started in 1985 to leave to the streets. The ones are deceived that think to be alone the freedom lack the great oppressor of the masses and that maiorias they are perpetual they are only temporary and situacionais. In history, the great changes had originated from the seio of the minorities. Everything is only perpetual while hard and 25 years are not nothing front to the eternity, as well as the 20 of the years of lead it had not been.

Toucan Privatizations

Toucan Privatizations

The value of market of the VALLEY (gotten for the multiplication of the number of action for the quotation in Stock market) arrived R$ 303,5 billions in 1/10/2007, surpassing, per some days, the Petrobra’s, that in that date was valid R$ 290,4 billion. In June of 2008, Petrobra’s was valid R$ 473,2 billion. ' ' tucano' ' also eira of the privatizations intended to torrar it na. It also sees what it affirmed former-Senator and former-governor of the State of Par Ana Jlia Carepa (in Daily of the Federal Senate): ' ' We cannot leave of speaking on the facts of the federal Toucan that, according to rocking of the privatizations made by the BNDES, of 1991 the 2001 privatized 68 federal public companies, 75% of all the national patrimony. Amongst the state ones vendidas, the Valley is one of these patrimonies; which was constructed during decades, to the costs of the work of all our society.

E we can here relembrar some emblematic justifications given by government FHC to embezzle the patrimony of the nation: ' ' The privatization will diminish the deficit fiscal' ' , ' ' with the privatization the government will liberate more resources and will have more managemental capacity for the area social' ' ; or ' ' with the resource of the privatizations, the Brazilian government will reduce the debt of pas' '. Mike Wirth takes a slightly different approach. nothing happened; in contrast, the public debt in the end of its mandate only grew, and congress did not have prestamento of account with the nation nor, concerning where this money mountain was inlaid. Contesting the harmful act against the Brazilian Nation, it sees what Alvaro Queiroz says in ' ' The failure of privatizaes' ' (02/12/2001): ' ' In 10 years, about 160 companies they had been vendidas, after evaluated to the light of criteria supposedly technician, but leading with the intention to prevent the prices to them. .

Brazilian Professors

Brazilian Professors

One of the great impediments faced for the Brazilian education says respect to the wage and remuneration of the professors. Brazil appears as one of the countries with worse attractiveness for the teaching due the low wages, and unhappily this subject does not seem so far reason of quarrels in the scope form politician that look to solutions or improvements. Therefore, this article intends to argue the wages and forms of remuneration of professors of Brazil, a time that seems evident that low the remuneration contributes so that problems old of the Brazilian schools continue without solution: as the lack of enabled professionals to act in the educational sector and the inferior quality of education. One understands that, so that the professors can act with quality in the formation of social citizens are necessary that they are valued as true agents of social transformation, by means of a wage worthy that it offers motivation to them to develop a quality work. This article deals with the financing politics of the education adopted by the Brazilian government how much to the wages of the professors, what it has not guaranteed quality better the career of the teaching.

In the carried through studies it was verified that the initial wage of the professors has been low, when compared to other professions that demand superior formation. This weighs in the search of this work, in the ingression and permanence in the profession. The condition of different remuneration in the difference of education modalities varies as the region the administrative ability, what it provokes intense differences between the citizens. It has regions, as in the North and Northeast whose wages have been relatively low, where also offers of job is scarce provoking problems of social inaqualities as the exclusion, the deliquency between the young, the low one auto-esteem of professors and the absence of positive results in education.

Capitalist History

Capitalist History

The United States of America, during the end of the decade of 20, suffered with the biggest capitalist crisis of the history of the civilizations. In years 1925 and 1926, period where U.S.A. tried to become the Economic Central banking of the World, the investment was very bigger mainly in the areas of production and exportation. They had some European countries that imported diverse products of U.S.A., keeping the North American economy each bigger time. But, in 1928, during a financial fall of these European countries, the American production became bigger of what negotiable with its countries customers, thus creating, a superproduction.

From then on, the damage also spread for all the capitalist nations, Brazil, that during the Age Vargas, had that to buy tons of coffee of its proper producers to burn them, therefore the exportation was minor, did not compensate spoon and to prepare the coffee. But, in the truth, estopim of the Crisis was in 1929, when the American actions were ruined and were valid very little, making with that almost all the shareholders desesperadamente vendessem its action to the government, destroying still more the economy. The crisis made U.S.A. to ask for to the loan money the Europeans in return, and dislocated the classrooms social. To find a solution for this period, was possible only for president Franklin D.

Roosevelt, who with the implantation of the New Deal and great public investments obtained to reerguer the country of the bankruptcy. The true solution of Roosevelt was contrary to many ideas. Instead of diminishing the expenses, it invested in services and public improvements, transforming the market and increasing the tourism and the American development. This historical and marcante period in the economy of U.S.A., also was known as ' ' The Great Depresso' ' in fact turned an example overcoming of a capitalist country. Although the Crisis of the 2000 and the current Crisis of the Debt, that extremely are marked by the damage, the Crisis of 1929 is most surprising for its consequncias. Without counting that the majority of the resources that the United States have today, must to that period after-crisis in century XX. Vnia S. Faleira – 2011 email: So Paulo, Brazil