South America
Estocolmo, Sweden Forgive there, high gentlemen and blond but in Portugal we do not go here to swallow this. stops already nor we go to raise great waves; they are worried first about the Spanish members of the house of representatives who already walk to lead in the whirlwind and with ' ' festa' ' that already it elapses almost has one year in the streets of Atenas. This small people, who resisted the Romans, promptly reconquered the land to the Arabs and with them if he mixed, that he did not give hypotheses to the giant Castile, that barred the entrance to the troops of Napoleo while caravelas exguas crossed all the extension of the known sea and for knowing, that it all controlled during decades the commerce in the Indian Ocean at the same time that was embrenhou in the confines of the Amaznia for circumscribing the borders of the greater country of the South America. It is to this heroic people and with rare historical parchments that want to impose the social and economic Norwegian or exactly British model? Countries that are independent have mseros years or that, using to advantage itself of our loyalty recurrently they apunhalam in them for the coasts? Still for more when we know that all the studies that had been made on the happiness index human being (to the exception of the sponsored one for the magazine of Forbes high-finance) places the countries poor in the places of the front and the only developed countries that also reach good classifications are the Scandinavians, even so weigh the highest tax of suicides and crnica alcoolemia. Therefore, if the activity and the work will be pautados by the adjusted rhythm, the mediterrnicos peoples with its creativity, capacity of improvisation and contemplation reaches excellency platforms, as any book of History can prove. It is height to restrain this bad shape stops with malta of the south of the Europe and perhaps together let us can all look solutions that safeguard our legacy and that they make of the deep one of the well where in them we find a solid base for a common and prosperous future for that of us they descend..