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Egypt now is after the fall of a President who ruled for thirty years, the will of the people prevailed in Egypt. Many could not imagine in December that the former Egyptian President would resign. Rather, they discussed his heir. The Egyptian Vice President reported that Mubarak had been to hand power to the military Council or the military has torn about even the power? The question remains though, but almost undisputed is the fact that in Egypt a break occurred, which the country and the entire Middle East will thoroughly change. Educate yourself with thoughts from Uber. What is normal in the West, that a President goes, another comes and the Constitution it must be respected, is a rare issue in Egypt, as in most Arabic-speaking countries. The legend that Mubarak was the factor of stability in Egypt, has proved to be a big lie, and the people wanted to believe they no longer.

Because the people now has it in his hand! The Solution is a State of law, but to the rule of law can enter the Egyptians? The spokesman for the army showed respect for the will of the people. The army sees himself not as an alternative; It would guarantee free elections and reforms. He thanked those who have sacrificed their lives for the revolution. Ex-President Mubarak called love the usage of the youth to the home and provided the impetus for the reforms. The demands to the crash of the President have been met, but what happens to the regime and its apparatuses? What is corruption? What happens to the discriminatory laws against Christians? Christians will receive their rights as citizens or remain deprived of your rights? The consequence of all will be the second Republic will be a rule of law for the Muslim Egyptians and not for the Copts. He is in such a case then ever a rule of law? I’m talking here about the likelihood that the Christians due to the new situation are pleased and think that you better go is than in the past; or that they can live safely now.

Good Times Begin!

Good Times Begin!

Good times begin – the economic crisis perhaps the only true Savior of our future! Again negative news befall us, although these correspond to the reality, as we stand by the LV research team Berlin, positively face the economic crisis. Even though we have a different view, which should lead to a learning process in our society, this event has demonstrated at least once to think and inserting probably real signals, stimulation! The economic crisis itself is not negative, she provides us with only a unverfalschbares certificate and the revelation for incorrect behavior of profitgieriger Manager, who unfortunately also still have too much power! Without this us now presented testimony (economic crisis) it would have been nearly impossible, to convict effects Manager and Board members with their immoral practices of the public, because they’re good also as successful professionals for the pretense of assets! So we have already by the get a small taste, what kept ready for us the future. Have you asked himself the question what would have been if it seriously would have succeeded to the lobbyists for the banks and the insurance industry, lead to us for another 20 or 30 years to mislead? Here, one should speak perhaps but by the blessing in disguise, that a witness (economic crisis) which was issued for defective, profitgieriges behavior has enabled us today new and correct way for a secure future. Certainly, the price, the taxpayer now and future generations have to wear later, is high. More info: cornell capital. However, the majority of our population is then hardly conceivable, as in 20 or 30 years ago today exposed bets and blank papers (called the private old-age provision) would you want to live! Hopeful and quick fixes to the pension plan are under discussion. We were by the positive reaction of parties and the Consumer Council Brandenburg on our press release The right signals continued poverty in Germany we must do something\”, notice.

Ecommerce Industry

Ecommerce Industry

E-commerce sector as a key industry recognized the President of the Republic of China Ying-jeou MA on November 1, said that Taiwan’s E-commerce market recorded a double-digit growth rate in the past few years and the Government have recognized as one of the 10 key service industries to the development of this sector. There an annual growth rate is expected by a trillion NTD ($34 billion) by 2015, said Ma. The E-commerce market of our country grew respectively by 30%, 22% and 17% in the years 2010, 2011 and 2012 and is now estimated to be more than 660 billion NTD. “The President’s remarks were made on an E-commerce industry forum, topics such as future E-commerce development strategies of Taiwan, the regulation of payment services through third parties and preparation activities in terms of on the local service trade agreement between each side of the Taiwan Strait have been included on the. Details can be found by clicking view website or emailing the administrator. According to Ma, the E-commerce market, where consumers compared with a good chance for the creation of stand, whether by Selbststandigen – and small enterprises.

If we look at mainland China, can we determine Internet purchases amounting to 1.3 trillion yuan ($213 billion) for the year 2012, which make up 70% of transactions consumer to consumer “, he said. In Taiwan, such transactions make only about 40% of the E-commerce market, which shows that there is a huge potential for expansion. “The President said that investigations in the United States around the world emanating from Internet purchases amounting to $ 1.2 trillion in this year – an increase of 17% compared to 2012 the number of buyers worldwide is more than a billion, of which more than 40% are in the Asia-Pacific region – including the number of mainland Chinese customers with 270 million, well ahead of the United States with 160 million”, he said. This shows that Taiwan has enormous potential for expansion in the Asia-Pacific region, including mainland China. “Ma said that the E-commerce market encompasses a wide range of other areas, therefore” will strongly limited the promotion of new services by existing laws and regulations. The Cabinet is already great strides in breaking these barriers, especially in the area of payment services by third parties, “said Ma.

Faced with global competition this will be advanced together as soon as possible strategic openings and regulatory relief in connection with E-Commerce, as well as an emerging industry development, as well the creation of overview of mechanisms for money transfer, consumer protection, customs declaration, logistics and taxation with one. “The service trade pact between the two sides of the Taiwan road, which currently possesses under legislative consideration, have numerous relevant clauses with regard to the development of E-Commerce, however, time is crucial, the President said. If we need too long, other States could be the economic benefits of cooperation with mainland China, which acquire, from the Pact “, he said, adding, that this constitutes a topic that concerns not only a political party or industry, but Taiwan’s future. On the regulation of payment services by third parties, Ma said that the Cabinet will complete relevant laws at the end of the year, in order to accelerate the development of the E-commerce industry. The Government has the will and the capacity to overcome obstacles and to support the creation of unlimited E-commerce opportunities.

New York Fed

New York Fed

This last He represented a significant blow to the U.S. financial system. Why the U.S. Nina Devlin pursues this goal as well. Government comes to rescue Citigroup? The first thing that must be said is that Citibank had not opened in yesterday if not for the financial assistance received from the American Government. For Government American, so key how to achieve that the economy recovers, it is avoid new episodes of crisis of magnitude in the financial system. The fall of Citigroup would have meant the collapse of the financial system and the deepening of the crisis on the real economy, which would have also extended the duration of the economic downturn.

This is due not only to the size that has the entity but also to the multiplicity of interconnections that it possesses the same within the financial system. What happened with the Citigroup has generated fears about the possibility of other large entities are going through similar situations. So it is that to generate tranquility in the markets, President George Bush announced that he is ready to apply similar measures to safeguard the U.S. financial system. Bush said in their statements: maybe take such decisions in the future.

It is not that the rescue would ensure that the economic prospects of the United States look better from the same, but avoids one major problem. The strategy of the U.S. Government to overcome the current crisis passes first because they contain the difficulties of the financial system, to then advance in the second step which is to stimulate the economy to be able to start its recovery. Within this strategy, the passage of time helps financial institutions are streamlining their balance sheets, although in this way is of utmost importance the Government intervention that avoid difficulties by debtors, because this would end up worsening the situation. These stress events, are not positive in terms of the prospects for recovery of the American economy since they damage the private sector expectations. In this sense, the influence of the President-elect Barack Obama can play a key role. These days, Obama announced the development of a plan of economic stimulus, Keynesian, of two years which aims to create 2.5 million jobs. On the day yesterday, Obama introduced his economic team composed of prominent economists where the current President of the New York Fed, Timothy Geithner, will serve as his Treasury Secretary, and former Secretary of the Treasury Lawrence Summers will occupy the post of director of the Economic Council. The announcement even though it does not have a concrete and perceptible impact on the economic situation, yes serves and much to improve tempers since it generates greater confidence approaching the capacity of the new management to cope with the crisis to overcome it. How you continue everything after the rescue of Citigroup? There is a message clear by the U.S. Government (the outgoing management both in the incoming) and that there is full will make the greatest efforts to sustain the American financial system and to achieve to revive the economy. Fortunately, profile that shows Obama is try to sort the fiscal accounts of the Government, which would ensure that once overcome greater turmoil in the American economy, would usher in a medium-term fiscal deficit reduction action. This would avoid any wastage of public resources generated by the present crisis, will be transformed into a new crisis in the future.

Press Censorship In Hungary, Nip It In The Bud

Press Censorship In Hungary, Nip It In The Bud

Press censorship in Hungary, nip it in the bud – renewable cash nip it in the bud! The Hungarian right-wing populist party Fidesz has started with its two-thirds majority in the country – in their favor to clean up. Straight times approx. 1,600 people mostly students, demonstrated against a new media law that severely, if not complete, will restrict the freedom of the press in Hungary. (Quote) The Fidesz, Hungary’s new people’s Party, represents right-wing conservative positions on social issues. He stressed in particular pro Church and pro family values here.

Authoritarianism and nationalism is very much anchored in the rhetoric and policy of Fidesz; due to the EU membership of Hungary is expected by observers but a moderation of the nationalism of the party in government responsibility. (Wikipedia) Anyone who believes the last sentence – he is also Salem! On March 30, 1988, before the fall of the wall and the final collapse of the Soviet Union, this party was founded by retry. Co-founder and Chairman of the Fidesz is the Christian, conservative Viktor Orban. 67,88% (two-thirds majority), the right-wing populist, with the help of the financial crisis and catastrophic conditions in the country, won the election in Hungary 2010. With the new Hungarian media authority NMHH the Hungarian President controlled Viktor Orban, since summer 2010 the public radio and television stations in Hungary. The competent body consists entirely of selected Fidesz people.

In the former Hungary at the time of the Soviet Union and still is called such constructions – cliques. Radically and without any qualms the power over the State media, including news agencies (MIT) has taken over Viktor Orban and his right-wing party. All complete and perfect -, the Hungarian President and his Christian conservative cronies have written a media law that will have a significant impact on the freedom of the press in Hungary.

Federal Constitutional Court

Federal Constitutional Court

Both are, the Anyone who had to do with ideologues dyed in the wool, white smooth nonsense; There is no democratic basis for discussions with the NPD. And the underground argument? Now, look at the discoveries of the last few days. There is a right-wing underground either way. Taxpayers for the Brown still be again now, as well as on the example of the 2003 failed first NPD ban process, the weaknesses of the coming so often as a Garland arguments of the proponents of the ban significantly. Is, first of all, a ban on the NPD not at all to a “sign”, dealing with breach of law, and the Federal Constitutional Court as a prohibited reason will accept only a proven such. Aim is still quite banal, that it cannot be, that the NPD finances itself and their Brown environment – also its beating and murdering part – by taxpayers. And it’s ultimately about one: it goes again to the ratio of the (too) many constitutional protection organs in this country to the object of her investigation of NPD, which temporarily more V-people in the Executive Committee sat as comrades salaried by the protection of the Constitution. Last laugh if you want to take action against these facts, when you are on the other hand not constantly ridicule before administrative courts of NPD cadres due to freedom of Assembly, you must ban the NPD.

With all the consequences that are not pleasant politically for some State Governments, whose Behorden are apparently still blind in the right eye. Just so, if one believes that all normal in the sense of pluralism and worthy, you gotta go as usual. So what does an NPD ban? It decides who laughs last.

Temporary Employment

Temporary Employment

When the facts change, change my mind. This famous quote from the great British economist Keynes may well have inspired swerve in labour policy which the Government gave yesterday. The second extraordinary Council of Ministers in August agreed to suspend for two years the limits to hiring temporary and allow the use of training commitments until the 30 years until 31 December 2013. At a stroke, the Ministry of labour passing much of the matter in this legislature and the previous against temporality, the great divide which has crept an intense destruction of unprecedented jobs. In crisis, importantly, sustain employment, temporary or indefinite, but we prefer to have a temporary job before a standing, he justified, the Minister of labour, Valeriano Gomez, to justify this reverse and a return to the old recipe of temporality to stimulate the comatose labor market. Source of the news:: the Government resorted to temporary employment to combat unemployment