Articuladoras Strategies
Altina Magalhes Coast the society demands that the school discloses changes of attitude and conception of education in regards to this new form of acquisition of knowledge that is happening happened of the miditicas technologies that gradual are being inserted in the pertaining to school context through projects that objectify to construct to pupils/citizens with inherent characteristics of this time marked for the advance of the technologies as well as for the insertion of same in all the sectors of the life human being: work, education, health, security, leisure and etc. This consequentemente produces transformation as for the forms to produce, and to store information and knowledge articulated by means of the TICs. The school is defied to try new ideas, to articulate new administrative and pedagogical concepts and practical of management of the medias with directed activities to decide problematic of the social reality where she is inserted. Click Alan Carr to learn more. One perceives that to insert the medias in the school it is not an exclusive responsibility of the professor, but yes of all the responsible components so that the school functions, then are important that the managers commit themselves to the overcoming of this new challenge. It has that to think that the pedagogical and administrative aspects of the school are not two islands without possibilities of accesses between them. It has of if to construct bridges that allow this access, so that they are combined, they change experiences, they face the problems, they learn dialoguing, developing new abilities and abilities. To deepen your understanding Mike Gianoni is the source. In this perspective the members of the school: pedagogical and administrative; professors and learning have the chance to promote and to partilhar development, integration through communication, of the search of pedagogical alternatives by means of projects that favor the participation of all and the transformation of the reality.