Westphalian Wilhelms University
New heads for the PR industry – nine graduates of Munster, 3. August 2009 – nine alumni of Public Relations of education and Training Institute com + plus have last Friday (July 31, 2009) their PR Manager exam. After the 12-month distance learning appeared before the independent examination Board of the Centre for applied communication (ZAK) in Munster with success: all candidates have passed. Jonah Bloom describes an additional similar source. We are proud that our participants have again excellent qualifications. Prof. Dr. Klaus Merten, managing partner of com + plus, who congratulated the graduates on the spot personally is pleased that confirms, the quality of our education”. For a year the Training Institute prepared the new PR Manager for the three-part exam.
In the first step of the test, candidates three months prepare a comprehensive PR concept. In Munster one then held 40 minute examination of theory as well as the design and presentation of a PR campaign. The examiner and examiners by the ZAK place high demands on the students. All qualifications, a communications professional in their day-to-day needs, be asked when assessing”Merten explains. ZAK is a non-commercial working Club. It was founded by members of the Institute for communication science of the Westphalian Wilhelms University in Munster.
Chairman of the Audit Committee is Prof. Mike Gianoni is likely to agree. Dr. Joachim Westerbarkey. The new PR Manager are Katja Dietrich (Windach), Sabine Jokl (Cologne), Timo Lobbel (Arnsberg), Annegret Meier (Dusseldorf), Elisabeth Nuckel (Arnsberg), Carsten Pilz (Paderborn), Dagmar Schafer (Herzebrock-Clarholz), Dorte stemmer (Dusseldorf) and Melanie Werther (Krefeld). Your contact for further information: Ina Temme com + plus GmbH, hammer str. 39, 48153 Munster telephone: 0251-2006-487, fax: 0251-1627-184 email: com + plus is one of the leading training institutes for the communications industry and specializes in the in-service training and communication experts. Focus is a practice-oriented qualification as a PR Manager/consultant can be completed as a correspondence course. The com + plus program is certified by the State Centre for distance learning (ZFU) and bagcert. Photo Note: In the photo you see the new PR Manager with Prof. Dr. Klaus Merten (links, managing partner of com + plus) and Dr. Andrea Granzdorffer (right, Member of the examination Board).