The Mystery Of The Opera
The mystery of the opera Who speaks really? It is a ghost or an angel of music? the ghost of operates is a drama, that if based on a musical part that was based on the workmanship of gaston Leoroux. The book the ghost of the opera counts the history of a called man Erick who when he was young was the architect of the palaces in the presia for knowing many secrets of the architecture is pursued and acada if hiding in Paris with a Persian. History starts in century 19, in Paris, in the opera of Paris the edifiio is luxurious was construido between 1857 and 1874 on an enormous one lenou of underground water. What it is transferred in operates? the employees affirm that until he operates today it is haunted by a mysterious ghost, that cause many accidents in operates, the ghost makes you vary blackmails to the two administrators of the opera, it demanded that they continuacem paying 20 a thousand monthly Francs and that they left the 5 berth of number private for it in all the performances that it was to make. The ghost pursued the young christine that it found that ' was pursued for one; ' angel of msica' '. Erick the ghost lives in a shady subterranean that christine affirms to be a cold place and that in the truth it discovers that she is where its ' ' angel of msica' ' deferred payment and that it is the ghost of the opera, that total is deformed in the face and ugly it uses a black mask to hide its deformao.' ' This is a history for who loves the classic art and the pretty form of if saying the Portuguese language according to Patriota' Daisy; '. Emanuela Days, I have 14 years, Course the 9ano and study in the College of Military Policia.