Executive powers (FAITH) mention the involved cognitivas abilities to it in the planning, initiation, pursuing and monitoramento of directed complex behaviors to an end. In the neuropsicolgica evaluation, the term FAITH is used to assign an ample variety of cognitivas functions that imply: attention, concentration, selectivity of stimulatons, capacity of abstraction, planning, flexibility, mental control, self-control and operational memory. Innumerable tests and neuropsicolgicas batteries have been used to evaluate the Faiths (Green, 2000; Spreen & Strauss, 1998). Happened evidences of the neuropsicolgica evaluation (Stuss & Alexander, 2000; Stuss & Levine, 2002), of neuroimagem (Carpenter, Just, & Reichle, 2000; Royall et al., 2002; Smith & Jonides, 1999) and of neurofisiolgicas research (Funahashi, 2001) has pointed with respect to the current necessity of fracionamento of the Faiths, having differentiated the product of the execution mechanism. In other words, Faiths they can be understood as an ample term, that if it relates to the product of an operation eliciada for some cognitivos processes to carry through a particular task. In turn, the executive control (CE) can be understood as a system or responsible mechanism for the coordination of some processes implied in the accomplishment of the Faiths.
The wolf frontal, in particular the region daily pay-frontal, has been related with the cognitivo processing of the Faiths and the CE. Injuries in these regions the cortical and subcorticais circuits cause different neuropsicolgicas syndromes (Faw, 2003; Tekin & Cummings, 2002). For this reason, it has necessity of cares in the neuropsicolgica evaluation of the CE, therefore, the relations between structure and function, systems and processes, injury and functional comprometimento and between physiology and cognitiva function, not yet fully al is established (Royall et., 2002; Stuss & Levine, 2002; Tirapu-Ustrroz, Munz-Cspedes, Pelegrin-Valero, 2002). In normal aging has been evidenced alteration or deficit in relation to the verbal episdica memory and the CE, and it does not have a clear understanding of this process.