The Goal
DREAM find when you help someone else find her. As we understand the dream, as we find her, as her store and how we achieve. Would you like to dream come true? Get ready for it, sow, protect shoots, act and just believe. Nature and God – the great genius, your dream will come true. Try not to complicate his life, just doing a simple step for their dreams. just turning in his dream! Power and money, success, revolution, fame, revenge and love tangibility, all the dreams about anything and fight hardest for sbyvaemost. The dream – is an individual idea about changing reality that requires translating in the future.
Dream of the above thoughts on his importance for a person, in every dream laid plan man-creator about his place in the world. The thought becomes a material in the process of translating dreams. But dreams often come true, and then the question arises – that the primary reality or a dream? What first? In our opinion, the primary dream, and then the variable dream a reality – 'grandmother first and then have babies. " The main question – sbyvaemost dreams. Why do dreams come true? We think that the dream need God's blessings and godly work. Requires marriage dreams and labour (autonomous 'generator' dreams is connected to the goal-oriented system of human activity). Sbyvaemost dreams in our opinion, must undergo 4 stages: 1) understanding and awareness of the importance and necessity of dreams. Preliminary training to what you want to dream, to get God's blessing.