Hearing Aids
Organ of hearing people, exactly the same way as any other substance, provides the perception of sound vibrations of the environment. Man is able to determine the direction of the sound to its source, which gives him the opportunity to orient in the environment, to distinguish between high tone and the power of sound kolebaniy.My hear because our ears respond to the smallest changes in air pressure, they make the waves of sound vibrations into electrical vibrations and transmit to the brain. Volume – is the level of the sound energy is measured in decibels (dB). Whisper is approximately 15dB, and noise of the streets – about 90dB. Noises or sounds, which level is above 100 dB can be unbearable for the human ear, so the noise the order of 140dB (for example, the sound of jet engines during take-off) may be painful to the human ear and damage the eardrum. The majority of the population of our planet's hearing acuity with age dulled, it is because the internal moving parts of human auditory apparta lose their mobility. Besides various kinds of infections and colds can permanently damage the internal structure of human hearing, so humorous and self-medicate in such cases is extremely counter, you must to the doctor.
Cause of certain types of deafness is damage of such a body as the inner ear or, in other words, the auditory nerve. Deterioration of auditory abilities can also be caused by constant or frequent noise impact (eg work in a noisy produc), or sharp and very loud bursts of sound vibrations. Must also carefully use all sorts of musical devices, such as stereopleery, since excessive loudness of the sound waves similarly can lead to deafness. Indispensable means 'struggle' with hearing loss in our mundane everyday life were different hearing aids, the range and variety which grows with each passing day, modern achievements of science and technology. Hearing devices now pick up even of three children with congenital hearing defects, as if in time to determine the disease – children grow up to full health, can complete a simple school intstitut. Hearing was given to man nature and is an amazing ability that you want to protect in every way, observing good personal hygiene and at the slightest manifestations of deafness to contact a doctor. This concept of medicine is far from powerless.