The Reading
These findings have implications for the educational practice and the continuous evaluation that is needed to carry out during the first years of schooling. The pre-school ones arrive at the school afraid, uncertain, with problems that can be linguistic, social or physical and with expectations and saberes that when being with dynamic, creative and research professor and affectionate in the relation teacher-student he provides them with solid formative bases with a great aprestamiento of adaptation he will not have problems when being related to the others and therefore they will be seen fortified its weaknesses and it would develop competitions comunicativas that will be easy to him to be related to the others and to acquire a good one integral formation and good habits in the reading and writing. . Before the raised situation, I emphasize the exigency in this level of specialistic professionals preparations to recognize the special needs or delays in the development. To this it takes us point to another great responsibility of the scholastic supervision: the support to the professional formation of the professors.
The educational body it must update with the new pedagogical practices for the education of the reading and the writing. A problem common in the initial formation is the lack of preparation specialized in the Didactics of the lectoescritura. But preguntmonos That it must know a professional formed to support the process of learning of the initial lectoescritura? They say as it Snow, Burns and Griffin, (1998): The reading is a complex system to derive meaning from the printed word that it requires: motivation to read, knowledge of vocabulary, strategies to construct meaning and to include the text, abilities to read with fluidity, descodificar new words and to understand the relation between the phonemes, the sounds and the printed letter. The professor of initial reading must understand not only all the aspects of this definition, but also how to use this definition to evaluate the progress of the children and to fit his pedagogical practices to respond to the needs of his students.